Nato vs. warsaw pact (1949 1990).svg

Cold War

  • Russian Revolution

  • Percentages Agreement

  • Yalta Conference

  • Potsdam Conference

  • Atomic bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima

  • Japan agrees to an unconditional surrender to US

  • Period: to

    Harry S Truman administration

  • Period: to

    Joseph Stalin leadership

  • Kennan's Long Tellegram

  • Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech

  • Truman doctrine released

    After the Greek Civil War
  • Cominform Created

  • Bulgaria becomes Communist

    All other political parties banned under Petkov
  • Marshall Plan announced

  • Bizonia created

  • Poland becomes Communist

    Bierut replaces Gomulka
  • Czechoslovakia becomes Communist

    Gottwald (pm) accepts economic aid from US in 1947 and Benes (president) resigns giving up control
  • Yugoslavia defeats communism

    Tito refuses to be a Soviet puppet and received help from US
  • New western currency introduced in Bizonia

  • Period: to

    Berlin Blockade

  • Hungary becomes Communist

    Rajk executed.
  • USSR test first nuclear weapon

  • NATO formed

  • China becomes communist

  • NSC-68 approved

  • Strategic Perimeter Strategy

  • Sino-Soviet alliance formed

  • Stalin agrees to supply North Korea with military equipment

  • North Korea invades South Korea

    UN demand withdrawal of North Korean forces
  • Chinese forces join war allied with North Korea

  • McCarthyism is prevelent

  • San Francisco Peace Treaty

  • Macarthur dismissed by Truman

    Suggests use of atomic bomb
  • Final peace agreement for Korea reached

  • Stalin dies

  • Period: to

    Dwight D Eisenhower administration

  • Period: to

    George Malenkov leadership

  • Period: to

    Nikita Khrushchev leadership

  • Geneva conference

    resolution to french indochina issues. Splits Vietnam across 17th parallel
  • Dulles' massive retaliation strategy announced

  • West Germany joins NATO

  • Warsaw Pact established

  • Austrian State Treaty

    withdrawal of all occupying powers from Austria
  • Geneva Summit

    open skies policy and the future of germany
  • Diem refuses to hold elections to reunify

  • Polish uprising

  • Khruschev's secret speech is delivered

  • Hungarian uprising

  • Sputnik is launched

  • Gaither Report

  • Castro overthrows the Batista regime in Cuba

  • The Paris Summit

  • U2 spy plane incident

  • Berlin Wall erected

  • Gagarin gets to outer space

  • Operation Mongoose

  • Bay of Pigs invasion

  • Period: to

    John F Kennedy administration

  • Strategic Hamlet Program introduced

  • Period: to

    Cuban Missile Crisis

    U2 spy plane discovered Soviet missiles in Cuba
  • Khrushchev withdraws missiles from Cuba

  • Kennedy's 'Ich bin ein Berliner' speech

  • Diem assassinated

  • Moscow Test Ban Treaty agreed

  • Hot line set up

  • Moscow Test Ban Treaty

  • Kennedy Assassinated

  • Period: to

    Lyndon B Johnson administration

  • Golf of Tonkin Resolution

  • Period: to

    Leonid Brezhnev leadership

  • Operation Rolling Thunder Begins

  • Non-Proliferation Treaty

  • Dubcek's Action Programme Announced

    Prague Spring
  • Soviet troops and tanks move into Prague

  • Dubcek is appointed leader of Czechoslovakia

  • Brezhnev Doctrine

  • Period: to

    Tet Offensive

  • Operation Menu

    activated in Cambodia
  • Vietnamisation announced

  • Sino-soviet border fighting

  • Period: to

    Richard Nixon administration

  • ARVN and US ground troops invade Cambodia

  • Nixon backs the ARVN's invasion of Laos

  • SALT I signed

  • Basic Treaty signed

  • Last US troops withdraw from Vietnam

  • Paris Peace Agreement finalised

  • US stop bombing Cambodia

  • Allende over thrown

    Chile's socialist president overthrown with US support
  • Vladivostok Summit

  • Portugal grants Angola independence

  • Period: to

    Gerald Ford administration

  • Cuba provides military support to Angola

  • Vietnam is reunified

  • Helsinki Accords finalised

  • Cuba sends troops to support Ethiopia

  • Period: to

    Jimmy Carter administration

  • SALT II is agreed

    but not fully ratified
  • Vienna Summit

  • Pope John Paul II visits Poland

  • Soviet union invades Afghanistan

  • Carter doctrine announced

  • Martial Law introduced in Poland

  • USA funds right-wing Contras in Nicaragua

  • Period: to

    Ronald Reagan administration

  • Period: to

    Yuri Andropov

  • USA invade Grenada

  • SDI introduced

    Strategic defensive initative, Star Wars
  • KAL 007 shot down

  • USA invade Grenada

  • Period: to

    Konstantin Chernenko leadership

  • Geneva Summit

  • Period: to

    Michael Gorbachev leadership

  • Reykjavik Summit

  • Perestroika and glasnost introduced

  • Washington summit

    INF signed
  • Moscow Summit

  • Cuban forces removed from Angola

  • Soviets withdraw from Afghanistan

  • Collapse of all Eastern European communist states

    except Albania
  • Free elections agreed in Hungary

  • Czechoslovakia opens its borders to allow access to West European states

  • Poland ends its ban on Solidarity

  • Solidarity forms a coalition government

  • Berlin wall torn down

  • Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan

  • Period: to

    George H W Bush administration

  • Marxist regime in Ethiopia ends

  • START is ratified

  • Dissolution of the USSR and the CIS created

  • Peace agreements in El Salvador