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cold war

  • Marshall plan

    the Marshall plan was a aid package to help Europe rebuild after ww11
  • Japan

    U.S occupation of japan under MacArthur administration.democracy development
  • the united states and the U.S.S.R

    The united states and the U.S.S.R went head to head on who can be a better country. from rocket ships to commercials to anything they could think of.
  • Iron curtain

    After ww2 winston churchill was voted out of office resulting in him coming to the united states and gave a important speech in 1946. He described the soviet union as a ¨iron curtain¨ dividing the continents.
  • Germany

    Democratic government was installed in west berlin
  • Domino theory

    the us basically thought if communism succeeded south Vietnam the communism would spread and the countries would fall to it
  • President truman and the policy of containment

    Containment- the prevention of communism spreading
  • NATO and Warsaw pact

    a military alliance that resulted in the warsaw plan from the soviet union
  • Chinese civil war

    china was divided into 2 nations
  • mao tse-tung

    became communist leader of china
  • chiang kai-shek

    became leader of nationalist china
  • 38th parallel

    north korean troops invaded south korea. policy of containment. war ended in armistice in 1953
  • deterrence

    deterrence is the belief that having large amounts of nuclear weapons by both superpowers would prevent nuclear attack
  • battle at dien bien phu

    the Vietnamese defeated the french and pushed them out of Vietnam
  • ho chi minh

    became leader of communist north Vietnam
  • the united states

    applied the containment theory to ending communism in vietnam by sending troops into fight
  • berlin wall

    berlin wall became a powerful symbol of the division between east and west during the cold war
  • Cuban missile crisis

    brink of nuclear war. john f kennedy imposed a naval blockade of cuba
  • indira gandhi

    developed a closer relationship with the soviet union and developed a nuclear program
  • the paris peace accords

    ended the fighting in vietnam by the united states
  • north vietnam defeated south vietnam

    vietnam was reunited as a communist country
  • Deng xiaoping

    reformed communist china's economy to a market economy leading to rapid economic growth, but kept communist control of the government
  • Margaret thatcher

    close relationship with united states
  • mikhail gorbachev

    instituted policies of glasnost and perestroika which led to the fall of the soviet union
  • berlin wall came down

    east and west germany re-unified
  • soviet union

    economic collapse and break up