American-Soviet Cooperation Ends at End of WWII
The cooperation between the US and Soviet Union was slowly breaking down. This was for many reasons, including conflicts with politics and ideologies, and the start of Cold War tensions. -
Four Powers Divide Germany
The United States, Soviet Union, Great Britain, and France were the four powers. They each controlled their zones in Germany, which led to the dividing of East and West Germany. -
Berlin Airlift
The US transported essential goods over to citizens in West Berlin for more than a year after the blockade was made, by the Soviets. -
NATO Setup
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was established as a defense alliance with North America and European countries. Its main purpose was to protect against the Soviets. -
Korean War
North Korea invaded south Korea with the Soviet Union and China behind their back. The United Nations supported South Korea. The war ended in 1953 with an armistice. -
Soviet Union Develops the H-Bomb
The Hydrogen bomb was a part of the Soviet Unions nuclear weapons program. The making of this bomb escalated the arms race between the Soviet Union and United States. -
Creation of Warsaw Pact
The Pact was made by the Soviet Union and many other European countries because of the creation of NATO. It was meant to counter the affects of NATO. -
Khrushchev Calls for Peaceful Coexistence
His call was important for the shift of Soviet policy. it brought the possibility of peaceful relations between the Soviet Union and the West. -
Hungarian Revolt
Hungarian people protested against the Soviet-controlled government in Hungary. The revolt was shut down by Soviet forces but still had influence over other countries. -
Sputnik Launch
The Soviet Union launched the first satellite into space, the sputnik, which began the space race they had with the United States. -
Bay of Pigs Invasion
The US attempted to overthrow the Cuban government. A group of trained Cuban exiles were sent to invade Cuba but were defeated in the end. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The US discovered Soviet missiles being held in Cuba. In response the US blocked Cuba off, stopping shipments of enemy missiles, leading to even more tension. -
Berlin Wall Built
The Berlin Wall was built was to prevent East Germans from fleeing to West Berlin, which had a more prosperous economy. -
Partial Test Ban Treaty Signed
The treaty prohibited any nuclear testing whether in atmosphere, underwater, or in space. It was important in reducing the dangers of nuclear weapons testing on human health and the earth. -
American-Soviet Hotline Established
The hotline was made so that communication between the superpowers would be clear, preventing any misunderstandings or accidental nuclear war. -
Czech Uprising (Prague Spring)
Czechoslovakia tried to implement political reforms that were later put down by the Soviet Union. -
SALT Treaty Signed
The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks treaty was aimed to reduce the risk of nuclear conflict and limit the number of nuclear weapons possessed by the U.S. or Soviet Union. -
Helsinki Accords
These accords were signed partial of the Conference of Security and the Cooperation in Europe. They wanted to make their relations with the Communist bloc and the West better. -
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan supporting the communist government. The conflict lasted for almost a decade and did a lot of damage to both countries. -
Polish Solidarity Uprising
A series of protests in Poland playing a big role in the eventual fall of communism in Poland, along with contributing to the end of the Cold War. -
I.N.F. Treaty Signed
The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty was signed between the United States and the Soviet Union It would eliminate all nuclear missiles in the range of 500 - 5,500 km. -
Iron Curtain Collapses
Refers to the fall of communist regimes in Eastern Europe. This led the the reunifying of Germany and the end of the Cold War division. -
Berlin Wall Torn Down
The wall was torn down by citizens because they wanted West and East Germany reunified. -
Germany Reunited
Germany was separated for 40 years before the fall of the Berlin Wall started the reunification process. -
Soviet Union Cease to Exist
The Soviet Union ceased to exist marking the end of the Cold War era and the closing down of a superpower that had a huge impact on global politics.