Germany Surrenders
Yalta Conference
Period: to
Attlee Ministry establishes Welfare State in Great Britain
Atomic Bombs Dropped on Japan
Japan Surrenders
Albert Camus' The Plague
Truman Doctrine
Marshall Plan to help rebuild Europe instituted
Europe divided into Eastern and Western blocs
NATO founded
East and West Germany divided
Period: to
Korean War
French defeat at Dien Bien Phu
Warsaw Pact founded
Suez Crisis
European Economic Community Founded
Berlin Wall constructed
Cuban Missle Crisis
Period: to
Second Vatican Council
Rapid Growth of student population at Universities
Student Rebellion in Paris
Soviet invasion of Chezchoslovakia
Club of Rome Founded
Period: to
Arab oil embargo
Solzhenitsyn expelled from Soviet Union
Helsinki Accords
Paul II becomes Pope
Gorbachev comes to power in Soviet Union
Revolutions sweep across Eastern Europe
New trade relations in Europe after Soviet Union opened up