Cold war tanks

Cold War

  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    Wanted to force western powers to allow the Soviets to supply Berlin with food and fuel giving the Soviets control over the entire city.
  • NATO Created

    NATO Created
    NATO created a system of collective defence where member states agree to defend eachother in case of an attack by any other external party.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    A war between South Korea and North Korea. The end of the battle ended World War II
  • Warsaw Pact Fromation

    Warsaw Pact Fromation
    A mutual defence treaty with eight communist states of Europe in existance during the Cold War.
  • Soviet Launch Sputnik

    Soviet Launch Sputnik
    The launch of the Sputnik started the Space Race between the US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The two nations focused of obtaining the title of First Space Exploration.
  • Nikita Khrushchev Visits America

    Nikita Khrushchev Visits America
    Led the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Resopncible of the Soviet Space Program and the Sputnik Space Launch
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    Bay of Pigs was an unsuccessful military invasion in Cuba. The US invaded to try to overthrow Cuban government.
  • Construction of the Berlin Wall

    Construction of the Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was constructed to cut off West Berlin from East Berlin and East Germany. The Wall was claimed to protect the population by having gard towers line the berrier and a wide trenches know as the "death strip."
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    A confrontation with the Soviet Union and Cuba on one side and the United States on the other. This was the time where the Cold War came close to turning into a nuclear conflict.
  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War
    The war was between North Vietnam, which was supported byits communist allies, and South Vietnam, supported by the United States and other anti-connunist countries.
  • US Man on the Moon

    US Man on the Moon
    Apollo 11 mission safely landed an American man on the moon and returned him safely back to Earth. This effectively ended the Space Race between the US and Soviet Union and fulfilled a national goal.
  • SALT Treaty Signed

    SALT Treaty Signed
    The SALT treaty is a signed agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union to liminate some war fighting strategies and allow use of others during the Cold War battles.
  • The Berlin Wall Falls

    The Berlin Wall Falls
    People protested against the wall and wanted freedom. Demolation for tarring the wall down began on November 9th.Ten new border openings were created but the wall wasn't fully removed.
  • End of Soviet Union (End of the Cold War)

    End of Soviet Union (End of the Cold War)
    Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev resigned on December 25. This allowed all 15 Soviet Union republics independence. On the 26 the Largest Communist state, the Soviet Union ended also marking the end of the Cold War