Cold War

  • Chinese Revolution

    When: 1949
    Who: Communist leader Mao Zendong
    What: Mao Zendong declared the making of peoples republic of China (PRC) it lead to the civil war between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Nationalist party or kumintang (KMP)
  • Korean war

    When: 1950- 1953
    who: North Korea, South Korea, United States
    What: North Korea sending troops path the 38th Parellel, starting battle between south and north later U.S. joined on souths behalf
  • sputnik launched (and the space race)

    When: Oct. 4 1957- 1975
    Who: Soveit Union, and United States
    What: Soviet Unions secessfully launced sputnik in
    to space. Soviet Union, and US racing eachother into space.
    How:Launches of different types of sattlites and trying different way to get to the moon.
  • U2 spy plane goes down

    When: 1960
    who: Soviet Union, and United States
    what:Was used by the USAF (United States Air Force) USSR shot down an American U-2 spy plane in Soviet air space and captured its pilot, Francis Gary Powers
  • Berlin Wall Goes Up

    who: Germans
    What: 2.6 million East Germans escaped to West Berlin so they put a wall up in 1961
    Where: Germany/ Berlin
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Who: United States and Soviet Union
    What:Nulear war
    Where:Soviet missiles in Cuba, 90 miles from American soil
  • Uprising in Hungary and Czachoslovakia

    When:1956- 1968
    who: Hungary, Czachoslovakia
    What: Revolutionary actions of Hungary and Czachoslovakia
    How: Street protests, displays of rebellion, invasions into Czachoslovakia done by other countires.
  • Russia Invades Afganistan

    Who:Russia and Afganistand
    What: Many muslums fled, Afganistan was alrady getting into the civil war
    Where: Afganistan