Chinese Revolution
When: 1949
Who: Communist leader Mao Zendong
What: Mao Zendong declared the making of peoples republic of China (PRC) it lead to the civil war between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Nationalist party or kumintang (KMP)
How: -
Korean war
When: 1950- 1953
who: North Korea, South Korea, United States
What: North Korea sending troops path the 38th Parellel, starting battle between south and north later U.S. joined on souths behalf -
sputnik launched (and the space race)
When: Oct. 4 1957- 1975
Who: Soveit Union, and United States
What: Soviet Unions secessfully launced sputnik in
to space. Soviet Union, and US racing eachother into space.
How:Launches of different types of sattlites and trying different way to get to the moon. -
U2 spy plane goes down
When: 1960
who: Soviet Union, and United States
what:Was used by the USAF (United States Air Force) USSR shot down an American U-2 spy plane in Soviet air space and captured its pilot, Francis Gary Powers -
Berlin Wall Goes Up
who: Germans
What: 2.6 million East Germans escaped to West Berlin so they put a wall up in 1961
Where: Germany/ Berlin -
Cuban Missle Crisis
Who: United States and Soviet Union
What:Nulear war
Where:Soviet missiles in Cuba, 90 miles from American soil -
Uprising in Hungary and Czachoslovakia
When:1956- 1968
who: Hungary, Czachoslovakia
What: Revolutionary actions of Hungary and Czachoslovakia
How: Street protests, displays of rebellion, invasions into Czachoslovakia done by other countires. -
Russia Invades Afganistan
Who:Russia and Afganistand
What: Many muslums fled, Afganistan was alrady getting into the civil war
Where: Afganistan