The cold war

Cold War

  • Stalin

    Stalin was one of the Bolshevik revolutionaries who took part in the Russian Revolution of 1917. In 1922, Stalin was appointed General Secretary of the party's Central Committee.
    HS: Under Stalin's rule, the concept of "socialism in one country" became a central tenet of Soviet society.
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    The United Nations was founded to stop wars between countries. There are 193 member states in the UN.
    HS: The United Nations is the world's largest and most prominent international organization.
  • Vietnam

    Vietnam is the easternmost country of the Indochina Peninsula. After the Vietnam War, it was unified under a Communist government.
    HS: Vietnam's economic growth is among the highest in the world.
  • Iron Curtain

    Iron Curtain
    The Iron Curtain was a symbol of the conflicts and boundaries that divided Europe.
    HS: The efforts of the Soviet union to blocks itself off is symbolized through the Iron Curtain.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    The Truman Doctrine is an international relations policy by President Truman. It stated that the US would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid.
    HS: The Truman Doctrine led to Turkey and Greece joining NATO.
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan is an American program to aid Europe. The US gave economic support to help rebuild the European economies after WWII.
    HS: The Marshall Plan was the US's way to prevent the spread of Communism.
  • European Economic Coorperation

    European Economic Coorperation
    The European Economic Coorperation was established to administer the Marshall Plan and focused on economic issues.HS: The European Economic Coorperation strengthened European countries by improving the economic conditions.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    The Western Allied flew cargo planes to bring food and fuel to West Berliners. The Western Berliners were being blockaded by Stalin.
    HS: The blockade quickened the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    NATO is an intergovernmental military alliance. The headquarters are is Brussels, Belgium and contains 28 member states.
    HS: It was the first peacetime military alliance for the US and Western Hemisphere.
  • People's Republic of China

    People's Republic of China
    The People's Republic of China is a sovereign state in East Asia whose president is Sun Yat-sen.
    HS: Kuomintang reunified the country through the Northern Expedition.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The Korean War was faught between North and South Korea and was the resul tof the division of Korea.
    HS: The Korean War resulted in the US reason to increase military expenditure.
  • Ho Chi Minh

    Ho Chi Minh
    Ho Chi Minh is a communist revolutionary leader and President of he Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
    HS: He was the founder of Vietnamese communism an dled North Vietnam during the Vietnam War.
  • Explosion of the First Hydrogen Bomb

    Explosion of the First Hydrogen Bomb
    The explosion of the first hydrogen bomb took place in Eniwetok and was tested by the United States.
    HS: The United States was the first to test the hydrogen bomb.
  • Khrushchev

    Khrushchev led the Soviet union and served as the first secretary of the Soviet Union's communist party.
    HS: He was responsible for de-Stalinization in the Soviet Union.
  • KGB (Committee for State Security)

    KGB (Committee for State Security)
    The KGB is the Soviet Union's main secutiy agency that was governed by army laws and regulations.
    HS: The organization that adopted the duties of the KGB is still in action today.
  • Geneva Accords

    Geneva Accords
    The Genva Accords were made to help Vietnam reach independence and to secure peace. They failed.HS: The Geneva Accords failed to remove French Unions from Vietnam.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw Pact is a mutual defense treaty between 8 communist states of Central and Eastern Europe.
    HS: The Warsaw Pact was a military reaction to the integration of West Germany into NATO.
  • Suez Canal/Nasser

    Suez Canal/Nasser
    The Suez Canal is an artificial sea-level waterway in Egypt. It connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.
    HS: After 10 years of construction, the Suez Canal allows transportation by water between Europe and Asia. Navigation around Africa was no longer needed.
  • Sputnik

    The Soviet Union launched Sputnik into an elliptical low Earth orbit on October 4, 1957. It provided scientists with valuable information about the density of the upper atmosphere.
    HS: Sputnik was the first artificial Earth satellite.
  • Berlin Wall is Erected

    Berlin Wall is Erected
    The German Democratic Republic built the Berlin Wall between East and West Germany. The wasll was built to stop Germans from entering the West.
    HS: The Berlin Wall symbolized how opposing views divided countries.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    President Kennedy created a blockade to prevent Soviet ships from getting closer to the US. Soviets agreed and removed their missiles.
    HS: The blockade prevented a possible World War 3 and saved millions.
  • Brezhnev

    Brezhnez became the Soviet leader after Khrushchev. He was in power for 22 years.
    HS: He developed the Brezhnev Doctrine.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The Tet Offensive was a military campaign during the Vietnam War. The campaign had attacks that were launched against military and civilian control centers in South Vietnam. These attacks were surprises.
    HS: The Tet Offensive was created after an agreement to cease fire.
  • Helsinki Accords

    Helsinki Accords
    The Helsinki Accords were signed by all countries in Europe, the US, and Canada to reduce tension between the West and the Soviets.HS: The accords were a sign that boundries were being made in European countries.
  • Iranian Hostage Crisis

    Iranian Hostage Crisis
    The Iranian Hostage Crisis was between Iran and the US.
    HS: The 52 American hostages were seen as a blow to the US.
  • Russian Invasion of Afghanistan

    Russian Invasion of Afghanistan
    Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev marched into the Afghanistan capitol, Kabul. Three days later the Soviet Union shot Amin and he was replaced by Babrak Kabul. The Afghan weapons were unreliable and outdated, but they had knowledge of the terrain.
    HS: This war lasted over 9 years and had an unsatisfactory conclusion.
  • Moscow Olympics

    Moscow Olympics
    The Moscow Olympics were orignially supposed to be in Eastern Euope. Eighty nations participated.
    HS: The Moscow Olympics had the smallest number of participants and 65 countries boycotted.
  • Los Angeles Olympics

    Los Angeles Olympics
    The Soviets, East Germany, Cuba and 14 other countries boycotted the Los Angeles Olympics.
    HS: It was the first time since 1932 that China participated.
  • Perestroika and Glasnost

    Perestroika and Glasnost
    Perestroika and Glasnost were Gorbachev's "watchwords" for the renovation of the Soviet body. These words were also occasionally used by Stalin and his successors. Perestroika is the "restructuring" of the Soviet political and economic system. Glasnost is the policy reform meaning "openness"
    HS: Perestroika and Glasnost were used in the political movement for reformation within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
  • Chernobyl

    After an explosion at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine, large amounts of radioctive particles were released.
    HS: This was when people started to take note of the effects of radiation.
  • Tiananmen Square

    Tiananmen Square
    Tiananmen Square is a large city square in Beijing, China. It is the sight of a pro-democracy movement.
    HS: Tiananmen Square is the third largest city square in the world.
  • Berlin Wall is Torn Down

    Berlin Wall is Torn Down
    The Berlin Wall was torn down after about 30 years, reuniting the Eastern and Western borders.
    HS: The tearing down of the Berlin Wall marked the ending of the Cold War.
  • Gorbachev

    Gorbachev was the President of the USSR during the Cold War.
    HS: His influence helped end the Cold War and resulted in the seperation of the Soviet Republics.
  • Lech Walesa and the Solitary Movement in Poland

    Lech Walesa and the Solitary Movement in Poland
    Lech Walesa was a Polish politician and human-rights activist who co-founded Solidarity. He became President in 1990.
    HS: Solidarity resulted in free elections and the fall of communism.
  • Yeltsin

    Yeltsin was a Russian politician, chairman of the Russian Supreme Soviet, and follower of Gorbachev.
    HS: Yeltsin was the first President of the Russian Federation.
  • End of the USSR

    End of the USSR
    Gorbachev resigned because his reforms caused turmoil and unemployment rates to soar. This caused the Soviet Republics to separate.
    HS: Gorbachev's resigning is a symbol of the end of the Cold War.
  • Putin

    Putin is the current President of Russia. He was previously Prime Minister of Russia and the Chairman of United Russia. Putin has high approval ratings but his actions have been characterized by the domestic opposition as undemocratic.
    HS: Putin is a Russian politician who is currently the President of Russia.