Infancy Pictures
Period: 1 CE to 2
Infancy Description
Infants grow a lot! Typically their weight triples from birth to one year. Luckily that increase in weight slows down the second year gaining 4-7 lbs. Not only do babies gain weight, they also get taller. They grow abotu 10 inches in their first year and 4-6 in the second year. Each child will increase motor skills at different rates but typically they will develop certain things first; such as sitting before crawling and standing befor walking. -
Period: 2 to 12
Childhood Description
It is during this time in one's life that they being to grow as a person. Learing fine and gross motor skills is a huge part of this stage in life. Gross motor skills are more physical things; such as, jumping, throwing, catching, walking, running, and balancing. Fine motor skils requires more thought; such as, writing, miltitasking, and much more. They also tend to grow 2-3 inches and 4-6 lbs each year. -
Childhood Pictures
Period: 12 to 14
Early Adolescence Description
This is typically when puberty starts. The body starts to make many changes at this point in life; more sporadic growth spurts, voices change, pubic and facial hair starts to grow, girls typically start the menstrual cycle at this point and so much more starts to change. With regulated hormones out the window, people in this group tend to have little control over their emotions. Not everyone matures at the same rate; often times, girls mature faster than boys do. -
Early Adolescence Pictures
Period: 15 to 17
Middle Adolescence Description
While most girls have completeted most physical development by age 15, boys are still growing and completing their development. During this age stress levels tend to increase as higher level education becomes more of what their life is surrounded by. Social development is a big part of this age, and peer pressure becomes more apparent. It is during this time that people start to have a better understanding of the world and how it works. This is a hard time for many, but it's a part of life. -
Middle Adolescence Pictures
Period: 18 to 20
Late Adolescent
This is a time where people tend to become more emotionally stable and gain a better understanding of one's self. Some may have thought about their place in the world and have pride in it. This is also a time in which people have gone out into the world and become interested in serious relationships. Most have developed a clear sexuality at this point. People may also have gained the ability to express their ideas and set goals to achive their dreams. -
Late Adolescence Pictures
Period: 20 to 40
Young Adulthood Description
Without their parents to keep them in line, many people tend to try new things and branch out of their usual comfort zones. Once they have chosen a path for their life, some may find out a few years later that they are not happy with that path; typically women do this more often than men. Settling down is a big part of being an adult and many people tend to do this in this age range. Unfortunately when a relationship is at the point of no return, some people will go through a divorce. -
Young Adulthood Pictures
Period: 40 to 65
Middle Adulthood Description
This is what people typically think of when they think of people who are getting old. Exercise helps in keeping one feel younger, but one can't aviod the inevitable that is aging. Sometimes people in this age group finding themselves having to parent their own children and taking care of their parents. This is because their parents are getting to the point to where they can no longer take care of themselves. Midlife crisis is also something that many people tend to deal with at this age. -
Middle Adulthood Pictures
Period: 65 to 78
Late Adulthood Description
At this point people have been losing strength for several years and getting around is not as easy as it used to be. Wrinkles, the loss of hair, vision and hearing are very common signs of aging. Struggles with memory is something that some may have as they get older. People in this age are retired but return to work because they don't have the finacial secruity to live off of social secruity. Old age is something that many people will have to go through, but it's another part of life. -
Late Adulthood Pictures
Period: 80 to 100
Death and Dying Description
Death is something that we are all going to have to deal with. From denial to acceptance, it is something that is just a part of life. Those surrounding the person dying can only do so much, but being there for them is something that is important. Some people may sign a DNR, which means Do Not Resuscitate; basically, they don’t want any extraordinary measures to be taken to keep them alive. Once someone has died the family typically sets up a funeral. This is a way to say their final goodbyes. -
Death and Dying Pictures