The earth is 4.5 Billion years old
At first, it contained large amounts of
hydrogen and helium gases. Most of these
gases escaped into space. -
Living organisms begin to form
This is very important due to the fact that it is when photosynthesis started. Living organisms were taking in sunlight and carbon dioxide to make sugar and oxygen gas. -
First life on earth
This has to be one of the most important one because it is explaining about the first life on earth which is taking in carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. -
Carbon was absrobed
3.5 million years ago carbon dioxide was absorbed by the ocean floors reducing the amount of carbon dioxide. -
Earth Began cooling Down
This is a very important date because it explains why the earth is cooling down, this is because when the earth was created it contained a lot of heat so it is cooling down. -
Earth Forming
This is one of the earlier stages where the atmosphere is being made by water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and sulfur dioxide. Volcanoes erupted into the earth's floors releasing CO2 into the atmosphere. -
Hawaii 1959
This is in Hawaii in 1959 and it is talking about the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, It also mentions that it is less than 1% in the atmosphere and that this is due to the burning of fossil fuel. -
78% nitrogen gas, 21% oxygen gas, and less than 1% carbon
dioxide gas. This percentage of the atmosphere gas represents what we have today.