Korean war, North korea and south korea fought the korean war from june 1950 to july 195.other countries,notably the united states and china.communism was first established in the soviet union.the united states and others feared that it would -
Vietnam war,
Vietnam war, southeast asia,began in 1954,after the country of vietnam was split into two parts north vietnam and south vietnam.north vietnam wanted to reunite the country under communism, its politcal and economic system.The united states helped south vietnam,but north vietnam won the was in 1975, -
.Glasnost/perestroika, The policy was insitituted by soviet leaders mkhail gorbachev in the late 1980s and began the democratization of the soviet union.The rassain word perestrokia is translated as “resructing.Gorbochev launched glasnost following his introduction of persestronca,a program aimed at restructing soviet. -
suez crisis
In 1954 international crisius in the middle east, preciditated on July 26, 1956, when the egypt president gemal abdel nasser nastialized the suez canal. The canaihad been owned by suez canal company which was controlled by french british interests. In 1954 international crisius in the middle east, preciditated on July 26, 1956, when the egypt president gemal abdel nasser nastialized the suez canal. The canaihad been owned by suez canal company which was controlled by french british interests. -
space/race sputink
Space race/sputnik,on october 4,1957 The successful launch came as a shock to experts and citizens in the united states,the arms race and raise cold war tensions.during 1950s,both the united states and soviet union were working to develop new technology.the fact that the soviets were successful fed fears that the u.s.military had generally fallen behind in developing new technology. -
Cuban revolution
Cuban revolution & Missile crisis,during the cuban missile crisis,leaders of the u.s. And the soviet union engaged in a tense,103-days.political and military standoff in october 1962 over the the installation of nuclear armed. Soviet missiles on cuban,just do miles from u.s. Shoeres..for the american officals,the urgenay of the situation stemmed from the fact that the nuclear,