Code Talker Timeline pd.3

  • Ned Begay goes to mission school.

    Ned went with his uncle to go to a mission school that was one hundred miles away from his home.
  • Ned graduates misson school

    Ned graduates misson school
    Ned passes mission school and goes on to high school.
  • Ned goes to high school

    Ned goes to high school
    Ned goes to high school after mission school because he worked hard.
  • The Japanese attack the Guam.

    While Ned was in high school, the Japanese attack.
  • Ned joins the Marines.

    Ned joins the Marines.
    With his parents blessing, he joins the Marines.
  • He goes to bootcamp.

    He goes to bootcamp.
    After Ned joins the Marines, he has to go to bootcamp.
  • He goes to Code school.

    He goes to Code school.
    After Ned finishes bootcamp, he goes to code school
  • Ned joins learns the Code.

    He learns the code when he finishes codes school.
  • The code talkers get shipped to various places.

    All the code talkers get sent to many places like Hawaii.
  • Ned goes home.

    After travelling all over, Ned goes home.