
Coco Chanel

  • Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel is born

    Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel is born
    Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel is born on August 19. 1883 in Samur, France. She was born in the workhouse where her singler mother worked.
  • Chanel's Mother Dies

    Chanel's Mother Dies
    On February 8, 1895 Chanel's mother dies, leaving her and her five sibling with her father. Her father, Albert, abandons the children at an orphange HWere Chanel first learned to sew.
  • Chanel Opens her First Boutique

    Chanel Opens her First Boutique
    Chanel opnes her first boutiq Maison Chanel, on 31 Rue Cambon. Chanel first started out selling hats, until one day she designed a jacket out of jersery. Which at that time was the material used to create mens underwear. Chanel received many compliments and soon tarted to sell clothes. Due to the sucess of her first store Chanel opens a second store in, Deuville, France in1913 selling sportswear.
  • Chanel Launches her First Fragrance No.5

    Chanel Launches her First Fragrance No.5
    Chanel becomes the first fashion designer to launch a fragance. She launches Chanel No.5 which still do this day is the number one selling perfume.
  • Chanel Introduces her Signature Cardigan

    Chanel Introduces her Signature Cardigan
    Chanel introduces her legendary cardigan jacket featuirng a collarless braid trimmed jacket. A Chanel caridgan is still a signature piece in a womens closet today.
  • Chanel Introduces her Reknown Little Black Dress

    Chanel Introduces her Reknown Little Black Dress
    Chanel tops the popularity of her cardigan by creating her world reknown little black dress.The little black dress is now a statement piece found in every womens closet.
  • Buisness for Chanel Takes Turns for the Worst

    Buisness for Chanel Takes Turns for the Worst
    Chanel is forced to shutdown shop and fire hundreds of workers, due to the Great Depression. Chanel works as a World War II nurse.
  • Chanel Self-Exiles Herself

    Chanel Self-Exiles Herself
    During the war Chanel befriended a Nazi solider. After the war she was interrogated to see if she was in favor of the Nazi's. Chanel self-exiled herself to switzerland. She returned to Paris when she was 17 years old.
  • Chanel Returns to Paris from her Self-Exile

    Chanel Returns to Paris from her Self-Exile
    Chanel returns to Paris with fresh ideas. She took on Dior's feminine look. Expanding her signature style to slowly build her way back to the top of a male dominated industry.
  • Coco Chanel Passes Away

    Coco Chanel Passes Away
    Chanel passes away on January 10, 1971 in Paris, France. Chanel died at the age of 88. She worked until her death at her private Ritz apartment.
  • Karl Lagerfeld Takes Over as Chief Designer of Chanel

    Karl Lagerfeld Takes Over as Chief Designer of Chanel
    After the death of Chanel, Karl Lagerfeld ende his contract with Chloe to take over as chief designer of Chanel.