Birth of Coco Chanel
Coco chanel was born. -
the adoption of the name "Coco"
This year, Coco Chanel adopted the name "Coco" while she was a café singer. -
The fondation of her store
Two lovers fonded Coco Chanel's store in Paris. -
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The growing in popularity
In the 1920s, Coco Chanel became Paris' top fashion designer. Her comfortable, yet elegant clothes were popular across Europe. -
The introduction of her parfume, Chanel no. 5
Coco Chanel introduced her perfume, Chanel No. 5, which is still highly profitable. -
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The move to the Ritz hotel in Paris
At the beginning of World War II, Coco moved into the Ritz Hotel in Paris, which became her home for 30 years. -
The decrease in popularity
The relationship of Coco Chanel made her unpopular for a decade after the war. Her 1954 collection did badly in France. -
Death of Coco Chanel
She died in 1971.