Gabrielle "Coco" Bonheur Chanel Was Born
Picture Citation :
http://www.vogue.co.uk/spy/biographies/coco-chanel-biography -
Coco Chanel's Mother Dies
Her mother died from an infection -
Finishing School - Notre Dame
She entered. a finishing school for young women called Notre Dame -
Coco opens her first shop
April 11, 1913 She opens her first shop .
Picture Citation : http://www.haute-world.com/2009/09/chanel-boutique-rue-cambon-paris-france.html -
Coco opens her second shop
July 11, 1915 She opens her second shop . -
Chanel No. 5 is created
Coco creates Chanel No. 5
Picture Citation : http://www.cafleurebon.com/excerpts-chanel-no-5-the-best-selling-fragrance-with-a-past/ -
Coco creates the "Little Black Dress"
She creates the Little Black Dress
Picture Citation : http://www.imageinterpreters.com/1/category/ask%20image%20interpreters/2.html -
Coco Closes both of her shops
April 12, 1939 She Close her Shops
Picture Citation : http://www.fashionstylebeauty.com/2011/09/stylish-advice-five-amazing-quotes-from-the-late-great-coco-chanel/ -
Neiman Marcus Fashion Award
Coco recieved a Neiman Marcus Fashion Award
Picture Citation : http://www.focus.de/fotos/1958-erhielt-coco-chanel-den-neiman-marcus-fashion-award-ein-jahr_mid_810277.html -
The Coco Musical
April 12, 1969 They created the COCO Musical
Picture Citation : http://articles.sfgate.com/2008-04-22/entertainment/17146174_1_coco-chanel-cast-album-singing -
The Death of the Icon Coco
January 10,1971 Coco Chanel died. She died of natural causes.
Picture Citation : http://www.linternaute.com/homme/mode-de-vie/enquete/les-femmes-les-plus-elegantes-selon-les-lecteurs/3-coco-chanel.shtml