Coco chanel

Coco Chanel

  • Birth

    Coco Chanel was born as Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel in Saumur, France. Her unwed mother, Jeanne Devolle, was a laundrywoman. Her father, Albert Chanel, was a nomadic street peddler who married her mother a few years after she was born.
  • Jeanne Devolle's Death

    Jeanne Devolle's Death
    Coco Chanel's mother, Jeanne Devolle, died of tuberculosis. The twelve-year-old Coco, as well as her two sisters, were sent to Aubazine, a Catholic orphanage in Corrèze, France.
  • Move to Moulins

    Move to Moulins
    At eighteen, Coco moved Moulins to live in a Catholic boardinghouse for girls. There, she became a seamstress.
  • Relationship with Étienne

    Relationship with Étienne
    At Moulins, Coco met the wealthy textile heir Étienne Balsan. She became his mistress, and moved with him to his chateau in Royallieu in 1905, when she was twenty-three. While living with him, Coco began designing hats.
  • Relationship with Boy Capel

    Relationship with Boy Capel
    In 1908, Coco became the mistress of Étienne's friend, Captain Arthur Edward "Boy" Capel. He moved her to Paris with him.
  • First Shop Opened

    First Shop Opened
    In 1910, Coco became a licensed modiste, or hat maker. She opened her first boutique at 21 rue Cambon, Paris.
  • Gabrielle Dorziat Models Hats

    Gabrielle Dorziat Models Hats
    Gabrielle Dorziat, a close friend of Coco, modeled Coco's hats for the plays Bel Ami and Les Modes. Coco became very popular after that.
  • Botique in Deauville

    Botique in Deauville
    Coco opened a boutique in Deauville, France. There, she introduced her first clothing line.
  • Boutique in Biarritz

    Boutique in Biarritz
    Coco opened a store, Chanel-Biarritz. She introduced soft, casual clothes made of jersey, a fabric typically used for men's underwear.
  • End of Affair

    End of Affair
    Coco ended her affair with Boy after he became engaged. They remained close friends until his death in late 1918.
  • Registeration as a Couturiere

    Registeration as a Couturiere
    In 1919, Coco was registered as a couturiere by the government of France. She established her maison de couture, or fashion house, at 31 rue Cambon, France.
  • Career as Costumer

    Career as Costumer
    Coco, a notable patron of the arts, was introduced by the Russian art critic Sergei Diaghilev to composer Igor Stravinsky. She helped him produce the ballet Le Sacre du Printemps (The Rite of Spring) and began designing costumes dance costumes for the Ballet Russe.
  • British Social Life

    British Social Life
    Coco Chanel's friend, the socialite Vera Bate Lombardi, introduced Coco to British social life. There, she met Hugh Grosvenor, the Second Duke of Westminster. They had an affair that lasted for ten years.
  • Perfume Line

    Perfume Line
    Coco Chanel made an agreement with the Wertheimer brothers to let them license Chanel perfumes. Coco licensed her name to the corporate entity "Parfums Chanel" and removed herself from involvement. Chanel No. 5 was released that same year by the Wertheimer brothers.
  • Move to Monte Carlo

    Move to Monte Carlo
    Hugh Grosvenor gave Coco a large piece of land in Monte Carlo, Monaco. She built a large villa there called La Pausa.
  • Movie Costume Designer

    Movie Costume Designer
    While living in Monte Carlo, Coco met the film producer Samuel Goldwyn. He offered her 75 million dollars (in today's money) to come to Hollywood twice a year to design costumes for movie stars. She accepted.
  • Drug Use

    Drug Use
    Coco Chanel started using drugs. She injected herself with morphine on a daily basis until she died.
  • Designer for La Règle du Jeu

    Designer for La Règle du Jeu
    While she was unsuccessful in America, Coco began designing costumes for French films. In 1939, she designed the costumes for La Règle du Jeu (The Rules of the Game).
  • Start of Espionage Career

    Start of Espionage Career
    As World War II began, Coco Chanel, an anti-Semtitist, devoted herself to the Nazi cause. She started working as a Nazi spy.
  • Takeback of Parfums Chanel

    Takeback of Parfums Chanel
    The Nazis, who were then occupying France, seized all properties and businesses owned by Jews. Forseeing that, the Wertheimers had turned over their business to the French man Felix Amiot. Not knowing that, Coco petitioned the Nazi officers to give her back Parfums Chanel on May 5. Eventually, the Wertheimers and Coco renegotiated their contract and put her in partial control of the business.
  • Beginning of Operation Modellhut

    Beginning of Operation Modellhut
    In 1943, Chanel traveled to Germany to devise a way to end British hostilities toward Germany. She recruited her friend Vera Lombardi to help her. However, this mission was unnsuccessful; upon arrival at the British embassy in Madrid, Vera exposed Coco as a Nazi spy.
  • Prosecution of Coco

    Prosecution of Coco
    Coco Chanel was interrogated by the Free French Purge Committee. However, under pressure from Winston Churchill, who feared Coco would reveal Nazi sympathies in Britain high society, and with no conclusive evidence, they were forced to set her free.
  • Move to Switzerland

    Move to Switzerland
    Coco Chanel moved out of Paris in 1945. She moved to Switzerland, where she stayed for the next nine years.
  • Move Back to Paris

    Move Back to Paris
    In 1954, Coco moved out of Switzerland and back to Paris. There, she established her couture house. Coco was not very well received by the Parisians, who had not forgotten her treachery during World War II, but Coco Chanel became very well known to Americans and Brits. She launched her women's suit collection and her jewelry collection the same year.
  • The Chanel 2.55 Bag

    The Chanel 2.55 Bag
    Coco launched her iconic chain-strapped quilted leather handbag in February 1955. Because of its release date, February 1955, it is still called the 2.55 bag today.
  • Coco Chanel Dies

    Coco Chanel Dies
    Coco Chanel dies in Paris, France. She is 87 years old.