Alessandro Volta
Alessandro Volta managed to stimulate his ear using a electric current. -
William F. House Birthdate
William F. House was born on 1st December 1923 -
Graham Clark was born.
Graham clark was born on the 16 of august 1935. This is a significant day as he would be one of the first to invent Cochlear implants and allow them for commercial use in Australia -
André Djourno and Charles Eyriès
André Djourno and Charles Eyriès used a wire with an electric current to attempt to cure a patients deafness. It was not completely cured but the patient managed to feel auditory sensations. -
First Cochlear Implant
The first Cochlear implant took place in 1961 but was not functional with the patients body. This would lead William F. House to attempt to make another design. -
First Successful Cochlear Implant
The first successful cochlear implant surgery took place in 1969 and was functional with the patient's body. This was William F. House's first successful trial of the Cochular Implant -
Cochlear Implant Available For Commercial Use In 1971
The device was introduced to the commercial American market in 1972. It would later be avalible to the rest of the world. -
Graham Clark's Contribution
In October 1982, Australia, Graham Carrick was also working on another version of the Cochlear Implant. He first discovered the success of his Cochlear implant after many years of development and research, one day he had been working on another version and when testing to see if it would work implanting it and turning it on, fifteen minutes later it was working. Many people believed it wouldn't work that it was just too complicated. However Graham still continued. -
Graham Clark Awarded for his inventetion
Graham Clark, the University of Melbourne has been honoured with a 2013 Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award, for developing the modern cochlear implant.
The Lasker Awards are among the most respected science prizes in the world and will be awarded at a ceremony in New York on September 20.