Cobra Event

  • [Act of Bioterrorism: Yellow Fever/Smallpox]

    [Act of Bioterrorism: Yellow Fever/Smallpox]
    Confederates had smallpox and yellow fever-infected clothing from patients and sold it to union troops during the American Civil War.
  • [Act of Bioterrorism: Chlorine]

    [Act of Bioterrorism: Chlorine]
    The German army uses chlorine gas against British and Canadian troops in Ypres, Belgium.
  • [Act of Bioterrorism: Cholera]

    [Act of Bioterrorism: Cholera]
    Japanese military attempted to poison members of the League of Nation's Lytton Commission. They laced fruits with cholera and gave them to the delegates. No fatalities were recorded during this incident.
  • [Act of Bioterrorism: Mustard gas]

    [Act of Bioterrorism: Mustard gas]
    this is just the photo for the timespan
  • Period: to

    [Act of Bioterrorism: Mustard gas]

    Italy used mustard gas against Ethiopians while invading Ethiopia.
  • [Act of Bioterrorism: Plague-Fleas]

    [Act of Bioterrorism: Plague-Fleas]
    Japan dropped bags full of fleas carrying the plague over the cities of Ningbo and Quzhou in the Zhejiang province, China.
  • [Act of Bioterrorism: Cholera and Typhus]

    [Act of Bioterrorism: Cholera and Typhus]
    Japanese armies poisoned 1,000 wells in china and killed as many as 30,000 people in 1947.
  • Snap test

    Snap test
    In Iraq, Mark Littleberry (United Nations Special Commission Biological Weapons Inspector) and Will Hopkins (Supervisory Special Agent of the FBI) conduct a rogue snap inspection which is an unexpected weapons inspection without a supervisor's permission. They are introduced to Dr. Mariana Vestof and discover a level 4 mobile hot zone. Hopkins jumped into the truck and was attacked but he was able to secure a sample before being killed.
  • Period: to

    [Act of Bioterrorism: three killers]

    Iraq used Mustard Gas, Sarin, and Tabun against Iran and certain ethnic groups in Iraq during the Persian Gulf War.
  • [Act of Bioterrorism: three killers]

    [Act of Bioterrorism: three killers]
    Just the photo for this bioterrorism example
  • [Act of Bioterrorism: Typhoid Fever]

    [Act of Bioterrorism: Typhoid Fever]
    In Oregon follower of a cult, Rajneesh lead by an Indian guru called Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Got 400 people sick with Typhoid Fever. These cult members introduced the bacteria to the populous in salad bars and other restaurants. They did this to try and prevent the people from going to vote.
  • [Act of Bioterrorism: Sarin Gas]

    [Act of Bioterrorism: Sarin Gas]
    Aum Shinrikyo, a Japanese doomsday cult lead by Shoko Asahara the founder, unleashed sarin gas into subway stations in Tokyo, Japan. 12 people died from this attack.
  • Victim: Harmonica Man

    Victim: Harmonica Man
    A homeless man in the New York subway known as "Harmonica Man" died from the Cobra Virus. He chewed upon his face, experienced uncontrollable spasms, flung his body in a C shape, and flopped onto the ground dead.
  • Victim: Kate Moran

    Victim: Kate Moran
    Waking up with a cold Kate Moran gathered her things and went to school. During class she felt faint so, she went to the restroom. She saw blisters have formed in her mouth and then started to spasm then died as her teacher held her in his arms.
  • Autopsy of Kate Moran

    Autopsy of Kate Moran
    Kate Moran's autopsy conducted by Dr.Austen. She found that There was a lot of blood. She had blood blisters in her mouth and nose. Her eyes had become a bit bloated with a blue-grey iris and hints of a golden yellow. Her kidneys became a goldish yellowish color, and her brain had become a silver color and was swollen, smooth, and flattened.
  • Victim: Penelope Zecker

    Victim: Penelope Zecker
    Alice Austen unearthed that there was another victim that had the same symptoms as Kate Morson and the Harmonica Man. Her name is Penelope Zecker, she died in a hospital on Staten Island.
  • Victim: Lem

    Victim: Lem
    Alice Austen and Ben Kly go to check on Lem, a friend of the harmonica man. They found him on the floor dead. He had spasmed and gouged out his own eyes. They held an autopsy on him.
  • Victim: Peter Talides

    Victim: Peter Talides
    Peter Talides was the teacher who tried to help Kate Moran. While trying to help her he had infected himself. He had started showing symptoms of the Cobra Virus. As he spasmed he fell onto the track. He was electrocuted and ran over by a subway tram.
  • Realizations

    Dr.Austen put two and two together and found that Penelope had given items to Kate and the Harmonica Man. She finds that it is a biological bomb and that the virus was made to be spread around and kill people. She reports her findings to her superior Dr.Nathanson.
  • The Autopsy Incident

    The Autopsy Incident
    Dr.Klye and Dr.Dudley held an autopsy on Kate's teacher only to find out that the hot spots were still contagious. Dr. Dudley was quickly infected when they started. He took up the scalpel and murdered Dr.Kyle. Afterward, he started biting at his own flesh. He eventually died.
  • Common Ground

    Common Ground
    After Austen shared her findings. The CDC and the FBI joined forces but, need to find a place to find out what exactly the Cobra Virus is. They took the bodies to Governors Island and held autopsies on the more fresh bodies.
  • Victim: Hector Ramirez

    Victim: Hector Ramirez
    During Archimedes' testing of the Cobra Virus, he decided to test it on 5-year old Hector Ramirez. A kid who would play on the playground near his house.
  • Bio-vek

    Dr.Hopkins and Dr. Littleberry meet Dr. Heyert at a Bio-Vek institute that is said to work with kids with Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. They learned that this bio-terrorist, Tom Cope, used to work at this facility.
  • Chase scene

    Chase scene
    Cope was found in his apartment and was showing symptoms of The Cobra Virus. He runs away finding himself in the dark subway tunnels. Austen and Hopkins give chases. Littleberry was killed.
  • The (supposed) End

    The (supposed) End
    After Dr.Austen and Dr. Hopkins were put into quarantine they were told that Cope had died. There were a total of 32 deaths attributed to the Cobra Virus.
  • The (Actual) End

    The (Actual) End
    It is revealed that Cope isn't actually dead and there is a standoff in a subway. Hopkins finds a bomb and disarms it with the things around him as he relishes his ingenuity he gets shot twice by Cope. Austen saw and was about to take him out but, Hopkins told her to arrest Cope instead.
  • [Act of Bioterrorism: Anthrax Envelopes]

    [Act of Bioterrorism: Anthrax Envelopes]
    An anonymous culprit(s) put Anthrax into envelopes and sent them to a bunch of different people. 5 people were killed from this act of bioterrorism.