Company of Crete Timeline

  • 10 BCE

    The Birth of Daedalus Invendus

    Daedalus Invendus, who is to be the most famous mechanic and conduit of Modeum, is born in the world that existed before it.
  • Period: 10 BCE to 1 CE

    The War of the Gods

    The Gods (previous conduits) are at war with one another. This causes their Unbecoming and sends them into their new world.
  • Period: 1 CE to 10

    The Creation of Modeum

    The conduits of Medium, who are now the Gods of Modeum, begin to create their new world. Modeum begins as just Aoyame.
  • 3

    The Creation of The Fae Realm

    Ground, Motion, and Nebula work together to create a world outside of The Material Plane. They deem this world 'The Fae Realm.'
  • 13

    The Formation of Viola Leto

    Motion mourns her lost humanity in the forests of the fae realm. Her tears water the ground and grow a beautiful tree. This tree becomes Viola, a manifestation of Motion's grief and a version of herself.
  • 106

    The Kitsian Empire is Founded

    A new Empire of worshippers of The Land is founded in the Jungles of Majora.
  • 128

    The Camlian Empire is Founded

    The Camlian Empire, or Camlia, is founded in the forestland of Minora. It is known for its land and association with The Fae Realm.
  • 213

    The Heirlands are Founded

    A kingdom in the swamplands of Majora is founded. It is known for its cutthroat politics and violent high-life culture.
  • 234

    The Creation of The Silence Room

    Viola Leto decides to create a place where she can track the conduits. Underneath it, she begins building a city meant to house them.
  • 245

    The Hinterlands are Founded

    A kingdom is founded in the snowlands of Majora. It is known for its textiles and weaving.
  • 365

    Olton is Founded

    A country is founded on the coast of Minora.
  • 383

    The Birth of Ramona Cassar

    Ramona Cassar, future Inquisicator and member of The Coalition, is born in the fae realm. She is taken in by Pasiphae, queen of the fae realm.
  • 423

    Viola and Ramona Meet

    Viola Leto and a very young Ramona Cassar meet in the fae realm. They begin to fall in love.
  • 482

    Proserpina is Founded

    A country is founded in the middle of Majora.
  • 523

    Warham is Founded

    A kingdom is founded on the coast of Majora. It is known for its healing and mining.
  • 566

    Phagia is Founded

    A new metropolitan city, known for its massive library and academia, is founded in the southwest desert of Majora. It is run by a king and a council known as The Septocracy.
  • 627

    Viola and Ramona Break Up

    Viola and Ramona decide to break up, not out of any malice or relationship issues, but simply because they want different things out of life. They stay in touch.
  • 675

    The Brydon Confederation is Founded

    A confederation is founded on the southwest coast of Minora.
  • 687

    Crete is Founded

    An island city off the coast of Minora is founded. It is known for its technological advances, such as (eventually) electricity. It is run by a council of four known as the Patricians. Under them are twelve Kyrions.
  • 822

    The Birth of Erika Lehkten

    Erika Lehkten, future prophet and destroyer of Phagia, is born in the Hinterlands to the well-known Lehkten family.
  • 822

    The Birth of Ngura Oytha

    Ngura Oytha, future Justician and hero of Phagia, is born in Seasinsea to the Oytha Clan.
  • Nov 5, 842

    The Birth of Aesa Spades

    Aesa Spades, future and past time conduit, is born in Camlia to her parents.
  • 843

    The Formation of The Coalition

    After confirming Erika's Obscuracle title through prophecy, the Septocracy of Phagia form a group known as the Coalition. It is made up of Meticulary Daedalus, Inquisicator Ramona, Justician Ngura, and Obscuracle Erika. They are formed to work for the Septocracy.
  • Jul 12, 872

    Jo and Aesa Meet

    After entering a time paradox that takes her from year 1248 to year 872, Jo Milner meets her future wife, Aesa Spades, in the town of Aphis in the deserts of Majora.
  • 873

    The Tethering of Motion

    Out of hatred, jealousy, and fear of her power, Daedalus tethers The Ringmaster to the flying circus she made as a gift for her.
  • 873

    The Fall of Phagia

    After Erika Lehkten sees her Unbecoming prophecy, she begins to go mad. She sets Phagia on fire. All the conduits except the Vindictor, Astrovoid, and Melodicutor are there. Ngura Oytha kills Erika to stop the fire. He is killed in the process. Phagia falls.
  • 900

    Kavatoa is Founded

    After working on it for years, Ramona and Daedalus complete their flying city of Kavatoa. It is separated into four districts; Textiles, Transportation, Clockwork, and News. Daedalus appoints herself The Navigator.
  • 903

    Ramona Leaves Kavatoa

    After getting into a fight with Daedalus, Ramona leaves Kavatoa (and Daedalus) permanently.
  • 989

    The Invention of Electricity

    Daedalus Invendus invents electricity using Apollo Solaris' power.
  • 1000

    The Birth of Icarus Invendus

    Icarus Invendus, son of Daedalus and future Obscuracle, is born to Daedalus on the city state of Crete.
  • Dec 18, 1019

    The Elopement of Icarus and Apollo

    At the age of 19, a year before Icarus falls, he and Apollo elope on Crete.
  • 1020

    The Fall of Icarus Invendus

    After being imprisoned in a tower with his mother, Icarus and Daedalus attempt to escape using wax wings created by Daedalus. Icarus flies too close to the sun and his wax wings melt, causing him to fall. He is saved by Apollo Solaris, who sees him falling and uses his magic to save him.
  • 1117

    Axridbu is Founded

    A new country is founded on the ruins of Phagia, in the desert of Majora.
  • 1149

    Seasinsea is Founded

    A new country is founded in the deserts of Minora. It is known for its warfare and colorful fashion.
  • 1160

    Newbormia is Made A Protectorate

    The Hierlands makes the land near it, deemed Newbormia, into a protectorate. It is known for its fashion, violence, drugs, and wild culture.
  • Sep 23, 1198

    The Birth of Ariadne Invendus

    Ariadne, daughter of Daedalus Invendus and Pasiphae, is born to Pasiphae in the Fae Realm.
  • Dec 4, 1203

    The Birth of Darvish Tuesday

    Darvish Tuesday, future accountant, is born to the large Tuesday family in Newbormia.
  • Jul 1, 1209

    The Birth of Heidatha Jeeters

    Heidatha Jeeters, future Kyrion of Crete and Justician, is born to Encantha and Yvaldris Jeeters on Crete.
  • Nov 15, 1209

    The Birth of Pandora Stewart

    Pandora Stewart, future Kyrion of Crete and Death Representative, is born on Crete.
  • Sep 1, 1214

    The Birth of Amy and Penny Dreamhilde

    Amy, future Inquisicator, and Penny Dreamhilde are born to Violet and Arthur Dreamhilde on Crete.
  • Dec 10, 1214

    The Birth of Jo Milner

    Jo Milner, future Meticulary, is born to her mechanic parents on Crete.
  • Apr 21, 1215

    The Birth of Iapyx Havier

    Iapyx Havier, son of Daedalus and future Physicutive, is born to his father in Warham.
  • May 22, 1226

    The Birth of Margot Genesis

    Margot Genesis, future Astrovoid, is born in Seasinsea.
  • 1234

    The Warham Coup

    A coup is staged in Warham. The Council of Seven and Mehkanos, in disguise, come into power. Iapyx's father dies.
  • Aug 6, 1240

    The Birth of Octavia Poulpitt

    Octavia Poulpitt, future Hypnautica, is born in The Heirlands.
  • Jun 14, 1241

    The Birth of Valentina and Vincent Feldern

    Valentina and Vincent Feldern, future Vindictors, are born to their parents in The Hinterlands.
  • Jan 1, 1243

    The Birth of Macie Dreamhilde

    Macie Dreamhilde, future Astrovoid, is born to her mother Penny the same night her father is murdered.
  • Jan 1, 1243

    The Death of Milo Dreamhilde

    Milo Dreamhilde is attacked by a Korakira in the Aviatorium on Crete. His neck is bitten open and he dies of blood loss.
  • Oct 13, 1243

    The Birth of Karima Kafka

    Karima Kafka, future Botanarian, is born to her single mother on Kavatoa.
  • Jan 3, 1244

    The Kidnapping of Penny Dreamhilde

    Penny Dreamhilde, incorrectly assumed to be the future Inquisicator by Icarus Solaris, is kidnapped. Her vocal cords are removed and she is sent off on The Black Briar to Majora. She leaves behind her twin sister and one year old daughter.
  • Nov 1, 1245

    The Birth of Caz Burke

    Cazzandra Burke, future Meticulary, is born to her large family on Kavatoa.
  • Jul 27, 1247

    The Birth of Rikki Dreamhilde

    Valerika Dreamhilde, future Inquisicator, is born to her mother in Newbormia. Her mother dies in childbirth.
  • Jan 3, 1248

    Icarus and Pandora Meet

    While in the Aviatorium without his mask on, Icarus is spotted by Physician Pandora. She gently gives him advice on how to care for his burns. They begin sending letters back and forth.
  • Jul 1, 1248

    The Death of Pandora Stewart

    After suffering a mental break due to his own feelings of guilt for loving someone after Apollo, Icarus lures Pandora to the Aviatorium and kills her. This sets off a chain reaction that leads to the formation of The Company of Crete.
  • Jul 1, 1248

    The Formation of The Company

    After being grouped together to investigate the murder of Pandora Stewart, the beginning of The Company of Crete is formed. It includes Inquisicator Amy, Justician Heidatha, Meticulary Jo, and (eventually) Obscuracle Icarus.
  • Jul 7, 1248

    The Death of Apollo Solaris

    The Company of Crete are attacked by a Ravenoid on The Black Briar. Apollo sacrifices himself and implodes, destroying the Ravenoid.
  • Jul 11, 1248

    The Warham Revolution

    Assisted by The Company of Crete, his resistance, and the entire Warhamian goblin population, Iapyx Havier has a revolution and successfully overthrows Mehkanos and his robotic Council of Seven.
  • Aug 6, 1248

    The Hostage Situation

    The Company of Crete and the Dukes of Newbormia get into a fight in the Khyber Caverns. The Company hold Aln hostage, steal the Ainsahar Crystal, and set the Newbormian docks on fire.
  • Oct 19, 1248

    The Fall of Kavatoa

    After The Furaki and Nebula perform a failed ritual, Kavatoa falls from the sky and crashes into the sea.
  • Oct 19, 1248

    The Fall of Daedalus Invendus

    The Conduits work together, sacrificing their artifacts to defeat Daedalus, who had become the Time God. Daedalus is defeated, but The Company beg for her life. The Gods agree to spare her.
  • Jan 21, 1249

    The Wedding of Jo and Aesa

    Jo and Aesa get married at a casino in Camlia. All of their loved ones attend. It is a beautiful affair.
  • 1250

    Caz and Karima Meet

    When Caz goes into first grade, she and Karima, a third grader, meet at their Kavatoa elementary school.
  • Aug 12, 1251

    The Birth of Jack and Queenie Spades

    Jack and Queenie, twins of Jo and Aesa, are born to their mothers on Crete.
  • Jun 7, 1253

    Amy Loses Her Eye

    After getting increasingly reckless due to the loss of her conduitism, Amy ends up in a Seasinsean tomb with Icarus, attempting to regain her conduitism. Icarus is stabbed through the chest and dies, and as an attempt to revive him, Amy sacrifices her eye using Blood Magic. It works.
  • Oct 31, 1254

    The Wedding of Amy and Pandora

    Amy and Pandora marry on the night of Hallows Fest, the day the spiritual realm and material plane are closest.
  • 1255

    The Reinvention of Electricity

    Jo Spades reinvents electricity in a more sustainable way.
  • Oct 25, 1255

    Delphi is Founded

    Delphi, a new flying city known as both a safe space for conduits, and for its academia, is founded. It is led by a large council of people, including past conduits The Company of Crete, and has a small, peaceful population.
  • Aug 15, 1258

    Rikki Moves to Delphi

    After they're finally done with her, Rikki's grandparents send her from Newbormia to Delphi, hoping she'll learn to behave. Rikki is eleven years old.
  • 1259

    Caz's Betrayal of Karima

    In an attempt to become a Knight of Camlia, Caz turns Karima in for a theft they both committed. They get into an explosive fight, and Karima escapes local jail and runs away. This is when she joins The Flying Circus.
  • Oct 25, 1260

    The Seceding of Newbormia

    Newbormia secedes from The Heirlands and becomes a kingdom. The Dukes become Kings.
  • 1262

    The Flying Circus Falls

    The Ringmaster's Flying Circus crashes in the jungles of the Kitsian Empire. She is freed from her tethering.
  • 1263

    The Invention of Teleportation Circles

    Amy and Ramona finalize the spell circle for teleportation.
  • Jul 27, 1265

    Amy Adopts Rikki

    As an eighteenth birthday gift, Amy legally adopts Rikki.
  • Jul 10, 1268

    The Birth of Apollo Solaris

    Apollo Solaris, son of Margot Genesis, is born in Seasinsea.
  • Oct 16, 1268

    The Formation of The Calamity Coven

    After suspicious Consumption activity begins happening around Modeum, The Company call the current conduits to Delphi to investigate. Inquisicator Rikki, Meticulary Caz, Obscuracle Snake Eyes, and (eventually) Astrovoid Margot make up The Calamity Coven.
  • Oct 23, 1268

    The Formation of The Hunters

    Arriving to Delphi days late, Botanarian Karima, Vindictor Valentina, Hypnautica Octavia, and Justician Charles group together to investigate the Consumption activity.