6 Feb 2013- 23 pages
Callie has been admitted into SeaPines, a mental hostpital in her town. She and the other patiants call it Sick Minds. Callie is there because she had been cutting herself for long while, but the real issue is the fact she refuses to speak to anyone. Not even her therapist, who in the story, is you. There are two drug patiants, Three eating disorder patiants, and two social behavior patiants. Her and her roommate. pages 1-23 Total (477) -
13 Feb 2013- 35 pages
Things are going down hill for Callie. She fels bad because she doesn't even speak to her brother Sam when he visits and her mother just cries. She misses her father. Also, because she refuses to speak her therapist has given up on treatment, thus phoneing her mother claiming Callie refuses treatment. Also, a new girl has arived with a cutting issue as well and now the whole group knows why Callie was admitted, but they're supportive, even for bitter mental patiants. pages 23-58 Total (505) -
7 April 2013- 93 pages
Callie has finally made her most important decision, but not without consequences. Throughout Callie's entire time at sick minds she hasn't seen her father once. So, she took it into her own hands, Callie escaped sick minds to meet him at the diner. While with her farther, she is only met with disapointment. It's then that she chooses to turn her life around. With her father shefinally speaks, then shortly after, she returns to sickminds and gets help for her condition. Pages 58-151 Total (598)