CMC: The Universe

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    THe Big Bang (13,7 billion years ago)

    THe Big Bang (13,7 billion years ago)
    The Big Bang is the theory of cosmic evolution; the begging of the Universe. It tells us how the Universe evolves, how it changes and how we made it into here.
    Before the Big Bang, everything was together in a very small part (it was smaller than the smallest part of an atom). When it exploded it started to expand and now is still expanding.
    125 million galaxies were created.
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    Greeks named the planets with Gods names: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter.
    • MERCURY: Named Mercurius (by the Romans) because it appears to move so swiftly.
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    Saturn was the Roman name for the Greek Cronos.
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    Uranus was named for the Greek god of the sky.
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    • VENUS: Roman name for the goddess of love.
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    The Earth

    The Earth
    • EARTH: The name Earth comes from the Indo-European base 'er'.
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    Named by the Romans for their god of war.
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    The largest of the planets was named Zeus by the Greeks and Jupiter by the Romans
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    It was named for the Roman god of the sea.
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    Ptomolomeo found the path of the planets and their velocity; he showed that the positions of the planets could be calculated in the past but also in the future.
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    He thought the universe’s centre was the Earth and all the planets, moons and the sun rotating around it.
    It was one of the most accepted theories for a long time.
    This model served as the predominant cosmological system in many ancient civilizations such as ancient Greece. They assumed that all the celestial bodies circled Earth.
  • Oct 5, 1514

    Heliocentrism theory

    Heliocentrism theory
    Heliocentrism theory A heliocentric system is one in which the planets revolve around a fixed sun. Thus Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn all revolve around the sun. The moon is the only celestial sphere in this system which revolves around the earth, and, together with it, around the sun. Nicolas Copernicus was one of the first person that describe this theory.
  • Kepler's theory

    Kepler's theory
    Kepler's theory Kepler was the one that really come out and trumpeted to the world that the sun has to be the center. Realize that’s not only was the sun center of the solar system, but the perfect circles were a figment also. There were Ellipsis around the sun. He discovered that the planets move around the Sun in orbits shaped like ellipses.
  • Verified Copernicu's and Kepler's theories

    Verified Copernicu's and Kepler's theories
    The key who verified Copernicu’s and Kepler’s hypothesis was the invention of telescope by Galileo.
    He saw that Venus went thought phases like the moon, clear evidence that the sun was the center of the solar system.
  • Einstein's theory of relativity

    Einstein's theory of relativity
    Theory of RelativityEinstein said that the universe was not eternal. His ideas were kind of bizarre. Special relativity theory explained the link between space and time. It said that they were not separate, they were just one thing we live in; the space-time. But later on, he developed the general relativity theory in which he included the gravity. The larger the mass of an object, the greater is was distorted in the space-time, the stronger the effects of gravity acted.
  • Conclusion about the origins of the Universe based on Einstein's theory

    The conclusions about the origins of the universe based on Einstein's theory pointed to a dynamic universe that was once much smaller. Einstein never published it because he couldn’t make the leap.
  • The planets movement

    The planets movement
    The planets movement Albert Einstein was the first person that talked about the theory of gravity. The planets were attracted by the sun. They turn around in his axis because the Sun is like a giant magnet. If the Sun disappears the Earth would change his course.
  • Hubble demonstrations - Andromeda Nebulosa

    Hubble demonstrations - Andromeda Nebulosa
    He demonstrated that the other galaxies were million light years away from ours. He distingueshed stars at the Andromeda Nebulosa. He continued by founding other nebulosas, so he concluded that every galaxy is kind of an island. The conclusion is that most galaxies are moving away from us. In other words, the universe is expanding; it is a little bigger every moment. It agreed with Lemaitre’s theory.
  • Lemaitre's theory - Big Bang

    Lemaitre's theory - Big Bang
    He said that the universe was not static but expanding so, it was smaller yesterday than it is today. He believed that the universe began with what he called a ‘primeval atom’, an infinitely dense hot cosmic egg, that some time in the past exploded, letting it by itself create the universe. It is the well known theory of the Big Bang.
  • Steady State theory, Fred Hoyle

    Steady State theory, Fred Hoyle
    From everlasting to everlasting. It was built upon a theory of the origin of elements in the periodic table. The nucleon synthesis took place in the inside of the stars. So he believed that everything after the helium in the periodic table is stardust, it is in the stars that the other elements are made. He said that the universe has always existed, that it has no begging and no end, just a steady state.
  • Big Crunch

    Big Crunch
    BIG CRUNCH ANIMATED It is one possible scenario for the Universe fate of the universe. It says that the Universe will start to get little and finally it will be like before. It explains the same that the Big Rip.
  • The Big Bang Echo

    The Big Bang Echo
    THE BIG BANG ECHO The Bing Bang Echo is the rest of the sound that still nowadays because of the start of the Big Bang.
  • Inflation theory

    Inflation theory
    EXPLENATION OF THE INFLATION THEORY It was explained by an American physicist Alan Guth. It said that all the matter was attached and it had the same temperature and density, and then it started to expans.
  • Big Rip theory

    Big Rip theory
    EXPLENATION OF THE BIG RIP THEORY It says that the Universe will end because the expansion is so fast that on day it will disappear.