CMarcum Technology Timeline

  • Instant Messenger

    Instant Messenger
    In 2001, I discovered instant messaging. I was able to instantly chat with my friends through ICQ. This was life changing for a ten year old who didn't have a cellphone. I haven't used instant messaging in years thanks to the invention of the iMessage, but I still have fond memories of chatting with my friends.
    Image from TechSpot.
  • Nintendo GameCube - My First Video Game

    Nintendo GameCube - My First Video Game
    For my eleventh birthday, I only asked for one gift. Thankfully, my parents obliged, and I received a Nintendo GameCube. This was my first video game, and I can still remember playing it for months. Super Monkey Ball was my favorite game. I have saved my game system, and I hope to one day play it with my own children.
    Image from Lukie Games.
  • First Portable Media Player - iPod Nano

    First Portable Media Player - iPod Nano
    In 2005, I asked for an iPod for Christmas. I was used to carrying a portable CD player, and that was becoming a hassle. For the first time, I was able to carry multiple songs and albums in my pocket.
    Image from Wiki News.
  • First Distance Learning Course

    First Distance Learning Course
    In 2007, I was a junior at Tolsia High School. My principal asked a few of us to college credit classes. My first distance learning class was a history class through Marshall University. A few times a week, we would have a virtual class with the other high schools in my county. This was a really neat experience because I was able to see and speak with an instructor through a camera and microphone. I was also able to see and discuss with the students from other schools.
    Image from Wikipedia.
  • High Speed Internet

    High Speed Internet
    In 2009, my family upgraded their Internet. I lived in a very rural area, so we only had dial-up internet until 2009. Being able to use the phone and Internet was quite the change. Now, it's hard to imagine not being able to use the phone and Internet at the same time.
    Image from Wikipedia.
  • First Cellphone-iPhone

    First Cellphone-iPhone
    In 2009, I received my first cellphone, and it was an iPhone. I needed a cellphone because I was commuting to Marshall University a few times a week, and my parents were worried about me being alone without a cellphone. I didn't have a cellphone before then because I didn't have service at my parent's house or even at my high school. I still don't have service at my new home with my husband, but I can't imagine life without my iPhone.

    Image from PhysOrg.
  • Classroom Advances

    Classroom Advances
    I started my first teaching job in fall 2014. I had very little resources and even less technology in my classroom. In February 2015, I received a new Smart Board for my classroom. I still use the same Smart Board daily while teaching my students.
    Image from Action-Reaction.
  • First Online Class

    First Online Class
    In January 2016, I started my first online class at Marshall University. I was working full time as a teacher, so I had to take online classes to earn my master's degree. I had never had an online class, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Now, I realize that online classes work best with my busy schedule.
    Image from Marshall University.
  • Classroom Computers

    Classroom Computers
    Until this current school year, technology was limited at my school, but now, I have my own classroom set of computers. This has completely changed my lessons and activities. All of my students can learn more about technology while also learning about English.
    Image from Huff Post.