
CMA: New Exhibit

By dw19
  • Period: to


    blogs.wickedlocal.com, lewrockwell.com, score.rims.k12.ca.us, constitution.org, brooklynron.com, trailofthetrail.blogspot.com, pronetowanderblog.com, history.howstuffworks.com, en.wikipedia.org
  • Remenber the Ladies

    Remenber the Ladies
    Abigail and John Adams exchanged letters about Women’s Rights and what was happing at the time when John Adams and others were declaring their independent against the king. Abigail had said that she wanted women to have the ability to vote and she spoke to the public about this serious matter. John felt that this wasn’t necessary, but he admired her ability to speak for what she believed in. But John Adams still felt that women don’t need to be involved in political issues.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    The colonists were much in a hurry to win the Revolutionary War before preparing their very first national government. The Articles of confederation was set up in 1777. Between the states it was a “firm league of friendship”. This government did not want to repeat history by placing a strong government. No, they wanted a weak enough government that would allow other states obtain their power.
  • Ratification of the Constitution

    Ratification of the Constitution
    Even though the Constitution was accepted by the convention it had to be ratified by the people of the United States before it could be of value as the law of the land. A system was created so that conventions of popularity elected delegates to ratify the Constitution. Only 2/3 of the states required the ratifying of the Constitution. Now, there were those who did not agree and the fear of having to separate the country on two nations. The first Congress under the Constitution convened in NY.
  • John Marshall and the Supreme Court

    John Marshall and the Supreme Court
    Article III of the Constitution provides for a judiciary. The Judiciary Act of September 24, 1789 established the court and its first chief justice, John Marshall, convened the first court on February 2, 1790.
  • Florida and the Monroe Doctrine

    Florida and the Monroe Doctrine
    In 1818, Andrew Jackson was ordered to take troops into Florida to stop the Seminole raids. Jackson was able to successfully destroy several Seminole villages, and after that Jackson decided that the lack of Spanish inforcement was the cause for all the raids. Jackson successfully captured the settlers and removed the spanish Governor of Florida from power. This caused the empire of Latin America, Spain to give Florida to the United States, which was called the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819.
  • Transcendentalism and Romanticism

    Transcendentalism and Romanticism
    When artists moved from logic and reasoning. The Romantic Movement was in effect, which is art that expresses feelings and natural instinct.
    I chose this event because I too am an artist. To know how we as artist have found new ways to express ourselves. And look at things that aren't beautiful, but create them in a way that
    brings out the beauty for everyone to injoy. http://photoalt4.myblog.it/archive/2011/09/10/romantic-era-music-history.html
  • Jackson and the trails of tears

    Jackson and the trails of tears
    In 1835 the Native American's tryed to push back the settlers by force in Florida. In 1838, the U.S Army had successfully removed the Cherokee by force and drove them 1,000 miles to their new home, which took 116 days. This event was called "Trails of Tears", which had many casualties on the Cherokee's, like death from disease, exhaustion, and of extream cold weather.
  • War With Mexico

    War With Mexico
    When the war with Mexico started, debate in having an equal amount of states where slavery and those opposing had a fair amount of states. Northerners were afraid of a new slave territory would treaten that balance. James k. Polk won the election of 1844cby using those issues and said that he promised to annex both the Texas and Oregon territory. In February 1845, Texas became apart of the United States.
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    In 1848, James Wilson Marshall found gold at Shutter's Mill. When news got out that there was gold in Shutter's Mill chaos and excitment spread thru California, and people from all over came to claim their stakes. This was called "Gold-Fever". This happened in 1849. People that traveled to California in search of gold were called the forty-niners.
  • Modern Native Americans

    Modern Native Americans
    Perspective of a Navite: Our people once spanned an entire continent, from the East Coast all the way to the West Coast, without concern for boundaries. With the ever-growing level of settlement throughout the country the native people have been restricted to small areas outside of our ancestral homelands. How can you expect our people to maintain traditions when we cannot raise our children in the land of their forefathers? We lost many of our people to violence of settlers and the military.