Jan 1, 1355
kids clothing
Kids clothing of the Renaissance time period wierder than you think. A childrens' clothing in the Renaissance were just replicas of their parents clothing only in smaller sizes. The Childrens' clothing did look similar to the adult clothing, There clothes were much simplier and made of softer and harder fabric. -
Jan 1, 1355
womens dress
During the Renaissance period women wore long dresses, often with detachable sleeves. These sleeves were sometimes gifts from the groom to his new wife, but could also be passed down from mother to daughter or aunt to niece,even be rented. To keep their dresses clean, women would wash aprons or overdresses, wit soap and water. If you were wealthy you could by diifrent types of fabrics like velvet,leather and jewlrey. -
Jan 1, 1355
Mens clothing
Underneath a man would wear a shirt and underwear, which looks like jockey shorts. they wore jackets and had many styles, depending on your station in life and income. there cloth were really comfortable. also longer skirts were worn by men of a lower or working class. -
Jan 1, 1490
Renissance clothing invented
Around the 1490's is when costume historians can agree that the new dress for Renaissance began.