
Cloning and Biotechnology

  • multi generational cloning

    multi generational cloning
    a fourth generation cloned pig was born. Showing that it is possible to clone from other clones.
  • First frog cloned

    First frog cloned
    John Gurdon clones the first frog by transplanting the intestinal cell of a tadpole into an enucleated frog egg. He later shows that transplanted nuclei revert to an embryonic state.
  • first in-vitro baby born

    first in-vitro baby born
    Louise brown the first baby via in vitro fertilization is born. In vitro means in glass making Lousie the first baby born via gentic engeneering. In-vitro babies are also referred to as test tube babies
  • cloning law passed

    cloning law passed
    The United States supreme court rules that genetically created bacterium can be patented. This opens up the door for tons of scientists to create new and improved processes for cloning.
  • Dolley is born

    Dolley is born
    Dr. Ian Wilmut create the worlds first clone from adult cells, a sheep named Dolley. At the age of 6, Dolly is euthanized when veterinarians discover she has progressive lung disease. Research suggests that she may have been susceptible to premature aging.
  • Polly is born

    Polly is born
    Dr Ian Wilmut create the first cloned sheep (named polly) with a human cell in every gene is its body.
  • 1st instance of recloning

    1st instance of recloning
    Japanese scientists create clone a baby bull from a bull that was cloned itself the first instance of recloning
  • Legalization

    California becomes the first state to legalize the cloning of human embryos.
  • First Cloned Human embryos

    First Cloned Human embryos
    Scientests use advanced cell biotechnoly to succsefully clone human embryos for the first time.
  • 1st dog cloned

    1st dog cloned
    South Korea clones the first dog named snuppy, dogs are known to be one of the hardest animals to clone
  • first extinct species cloned

    first extinct species cloned
    the pyrenean ibex was the first extinct animal to be cloned back to life; the clone lived for seven minutes before dying of lung defects.