
CLMS Spartans, Alexander

  • Rebelion Begins in Cuba

    Rebelion Begins in Cuba
    The Cubans wanted to be independent from Spain, so they went to war.
  • Reconcentration Camps

    Reconcentration Camps
    People were forced into reconcentration camps. Alot of people died in this camp from the lack of food and diesease.
  • Cuban Revolt Against Spain

    Cuban Revolt Against Spain
    Cuba won there independence.
  • Yellow Journalism

    Yellow Journalism
    Large attiontion grabbing headlinesto boost there sales in money. William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer was some of the yellow journalism people. This is what mainly started the war.
  • Remember the Maine

    Remember the Maine
    A piece of yellow jurnalism used to start the Spanish American war, because the U.S.S exsploded.
  • the Spanish-American War Begins

    the Spanish-American War Begins
    They decleared war because the boat explosion, mainly because of yellow jurnalisim
  • Battle of Manila Bay

    Battle of Manila Bay
    The U.S. Navy led by Admiral Dewey defeated the Spanish at Manlia bay in the Phillippenes. Then Dewey was known as a hero for doing so.
  • "Splended Little War" John Hays

    John Hays discribed the war as an "Splendid Little War"
  • Battle of San Juan Hill

    Battle of San Juan Hill
    The leader Theodore Roosevelt Led an attack on the Spanish. The U.S. defeated the Spainsh army.
  • Theodore Roosevelt and the Rough Riders

    Theodore Roosevelt and the Rough Riders
    They led the attack on Spain, which they won.
  • Buffalo Soilders

    Buffalo Soilders
    they were African American soilders who helped in the war.
  • Naval Battle at Santiago Harbor

    Naval Battle at Santiago Harbor
    The U.S. defeats the Spanish Caribbeans.
  • the Spanish American war ends

    the peace treaty was sign
  • the Paris Peace Treaty

    Spain and U.S. sighed a peace treaty for cuba to have there independence.
  • Treaty Is Sign

    Cuba becamed an independent country. The U.S. had contorl of Philipines, Guan, and Puerto Rico. Also the U.S. has been notice as an world power