
  • 69 BCE

    Cleoptra is born

    Cleopatra was born in 69 she had 5 other siblings
  • 51 BCE

    Cleopatra takes thrown

    Cleopatra father dies and she then takes over the thrown
  • 49 BCE

    Cleopatra is exiled

    Cleopatra is forced out of Alexandria
  • 49 BCE

    Cleopatra meets Caesar

    Cleopatra sneaks into meet Caesar for the first time
  • 47 BCE

    Caesar defeats Ptolemy xiii

    Caesar defeats Ptolemy xiii and then returns Cleopatra to the throne
  • 44 BCE

    Caesar is assassinated

    Cleo then takes Caeserion back to Egypt with her and kills her brother
  • 42 BCE

    Cleopatra and Antony

    Cleo and Antony join forces and Cleo gives Antony money to support an invasion
  • 39 BCE

    Antony and Cleopatra fall in love

    They fall in love and get married and have kids
  • 34 BCE

    Donations of Alexandria

    political act by Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony in which they distributed lands held by Rome and Parthia amongst Cleopatra's children, and granted them many titles
  • 30

    Death of Cleopatra and Antony

    Antony commits suicide falling on his sword and soon after his death Cleopatra kills herself with a snake
  • 31

    Battle of Actium

    Cleopatra and Antony lose the Battle of Actium to Octavian and then flee back to Alexandria
  • 46

    Cleopatra gives birth to Caesars son

    Cleo gives birth to Caeserion