Claudette Colvin

  • Claudette was born in birmingham, Albama

    Claudette was born in birmingham, Albama
    It was the day she was born
  • Claudette´s sister

    Claudette´s sister got polio during the summer
  • Claudette colvin refused to give up her seat

    Claudette colvin refused to give up her seat
    she refused to give her bus seat to a white women
  • Claudette colvin behind bars

    Claudette colvin refused to give up her seat so she was jailed
  • Claudette colvin graduated

    she graduated high school
  • Claudette colvin served plaintiffs in the federal court suit

    Claudette colvin was one of the black women to serve in the federal court suit
  • Claudette colvin had a child

    Claudette colvin had a baby boy named Raymond
  • Claudette wrote a book

    Claudette wrote a book
    Claudette wrote a book called "we were there,too"