Classical Era- Indian Ocean

  • 1200 BCE


    People began to use iron to make weapons.
  • 1000 BCE

    Iron and New Influences

    Metallurgy with iron spreads to Western Asia, Southeastern Europe and North Africa. Aryan people begin to settle in India and King David founds the city of Jerusalem.
  • 1000 BCE


    Bananas reach Africa
  • 1000 BCE

    Sugar Cane

    Sugar Cane is cultivated in southeastern Asia and in India.
  • 800 BCE

    Rise of the Nubians

    Rise of the Nubian Kingdom which dominates Egypt until 660 CE.
  • 771 BCE

    Zhou Kingdom

    The Zhou kingdom ends in China.
  • 600 BCE

    Iron to China

    Iron metallurgy spreads to China
  • 563 BCE


    Buddhism was founded.
  • 507 BCE


    The Roman Republic begins.
  • 500 BCE


    Jainism is founded.
  • 486 BCE

    Darius I

    Darius I is the ruler of Persia.
  • 479 BCE


    Confucianism begins in China.
  • 470 BCE


    Rise of the Athenian Empire in Greece.
  • 400 BCE


    Kingdom of Meroe rises in Nubia.
  • 334 BCE

    Alexander the Great

    Alexander the Great conquers western Asia and gives rise to the Hellenistic period.
  • 224 BCE

    Sassanid Empire

    The Sassanid Empire rules in Persia until Chosroes is defeated by Arab Muslims.
  • 206 BCE

    Han Dynasty

    The Han dynasty rules in China.
  • 200 BCE

    Camels and Dates

    The one humped camel and the date palm spread from southern Arabia to Africa.
  • 31 BCE

    Caesar Augustus

    Caesar Augustus rules the Roman Empire.
  • 30 BCE


    Christianity begins after the crucifixion of Jesus.
  • 4


    The birth of Jesus in Nazareth.
  • 45

    Apostle Paul

    Apostle Paul spread Christianity around the Mediterranean.
  • 100

    Chola Kingdom

    Coins were produced in the Chola Kingdom.
  • 100


    Pearls were traded by Romans
  • 100


    Peppercorn was traded in India in the first century CE.