Sand Creek Massacre
An indian leader and his tribe moved into Sand Creek to hunt. The soldiers viewed this as a threat and attacked. They enclosed the indians and went on a malicious spree. The army only suffered 9 deaths while there were 148 for the indians. -
Medicine Lodge Treaty
A treaty signed which was meant to move the indians to indian reservations and out of the way of European settlers. The indians were granted lands of greatly diminished size. -
2nd Treaty of Ft. Laramie
A traty signed by the U.S. and a band of indians that secured the indians the right of the Black Hills in South Dakota. This was signed in Fort Laramie, Wyoming. -
Battle of Palo Duro Canyon
This was the major battle of the Red River War. The depleating indians had camped out down in the canyon of Palo Duro. Colonel Mackenzie and his calvary planned to surprise attack the indians and hold them down in their refuge. SInce the camps were spread out among the canyon, the indians could not unite and defeat. Instead many smaller skirmishes broke out, in which the calvary dominated. Most indians ran away to safety. The canyon was in federal control by nightfall. -
Battle of Little Bighorn
This battle was fought on June 25, 1876 near the Little Big Horn River in the Montana Territory. In the battle, it was General Custer and his troops V.S. Lakota Sioux and Cheyenne Indians. The discovery of gold on their lands made the federals create a document for their movement out of the area. When the time came, hey were not moved, so Custer was sent in to reinforce. The Indians heavily outnumbered the troops, and won the battle. -
Relocation of the Nez Perce
The Nez Perce were in a region which gold was found in 1863. Tribal leaders denied the attempted treaties of land reduction by the U.S. Fighting broke out and over 2/3 of the Nez Perce fled to Canada. -
Capture of Geronimo
Geronimo was on a warpath with his soldiers, and surrendered to General Miles. He was on the path to defeat and was forced to surrender. Him and his warriors were then sent to Florida. -
Beginning of the Ghost Dance
Salvation came to the indian people. They had no food, no clothes, and were running out of land. The people turned towards a godly being to bring them back.. This all started with a indian name Wovoka in Nevada. -
Wounded Knee Massacre
At Wounded Knee Creek, the 7th Calvary of the U.S. Army opened fire on a group of Sioux. 300 out of the 350 Sioux indians were killed in this bloodshed.