My brother Jared was born
My little brother was born 3 weeks late, and we were all very excited to meet him. My mother expected me to be a good big sister to him. -
Broken arm
I fell off the monkey bars and broke my wrist, and didn't realize it was broken, so I got back up and did it again, and my fingers actually touched my wrist. -
First puppy
I got my first puppy when I was 10 years old. My mother expected me to take care of him and train him. -
Graduated high school
I graduated high school at the top of my class, and my mother expected me to continue to be sucessful and responsible for myself in my future choices. -
Began Army basic training
I enlisted on my 18th birthday, and shipped out to basic about a month after I graduated high school. -
I married my wonderful husband, Mark in Anchorage, Alaska. -
Baby Vincent was born
I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy Vincent!