Clara campoamor

Clara Campoamor

  • Birth

    Clara Campoamor was born in Madrid.
  • Licensed

    Got a degree in the University of Madrid.
  • Obtaining of a seat

    Obtaining of a seat
    With the coming of the Second Republic, Clara Campoamor got a seat of deputy for Madrid in the lists of the radical party.
  • Not renewed

    Not renewed
    She failed to renew your minutes of deputy in the elections.
  • The female law

    The female law
    Clara Campoamor she was a great defender of equality of law of the woman, in whose defense she published numerous writings, as the female law in Spain.
  • The abandonment

    The abandonment
    Left Spain after the imminent victory of the uprising of the reactionary military.
  • Exile

    The Franco regime did not allow her to return to the country.
  • Death

    Clara Campoamor died of cancer in Lausanne