Clara Barton

  • Birth

  • Clara takes care of her brother

    Clara takes care of her brother
    When Clara was eleven years old, her brother became very ill. For two years, Clara took care of her brother. Since she took care of her brother, her parents sent her to a privte school. She was so smart, but also so shy. She was sent home because she was to shy it affected her health. This is no the specific date that her brother got sick.
  • Clara becomes a teacher

    Clara becomes a teacher
    When Clara was only 15 years old, she became a teacher. Although her personality was quiet and shy, she knew how to read and was good at speaking. Her mom suggested to her to become a teacher, and this would be a good time to use her gifts to help others.
  • Clara opens a school.

    Clara opens a school.
    During this time clara moved to Bordentown, New Jersey. One downside to tthis school was parents had to pay for their children's education. No one had money to do so, so Clara opened a school where you didn't have to pay.
  • One of the first helpers of civil war

    One of the first helpers of civil war
    Clara Barton was in Washington D.C at the time that the Civil War broke out. She, among with several others, were some of the first people to care for the soldiers that were wounded. This is not the exact date. It happened in the early months of 1861.
  • Clara moves

    Clara moves
    After two years of the Civil War, Clara moves from Hilton Head Island to Morris Island to continue helping wounded soldiers. The number of wounded soldiers had been increasing, so they needed her help.
  • Clara gets appointed by Lincoln

    Clara gets appointed by Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln asked Clara to search for missing prisoners of war. This inspired Clara to open the Friends of the Missing Men of the United States Army. Not only was this important to help others, she used her own money to fund it.
  • Clara visits Switzerland

    Clara visits Switzerland
    Clara Barton was a member of the International Red Cross. She went to Geneva, Switzerland for the International Red Cross. Eleven years later, she founded the American Red Cross. This is not the exact date she went to Switzerland.
  • Founded the Red Cross

    Founded the Red Cross
    In the year 1881, Clara founded the Red Cross. She had many experiences working with the injured, and just wanted to help. She led he Red Cross for 23 years. This was the start to people serving in the feild as volunteers.
  • Clara created a program for victims of a hurricane

    Clara created a program for victims of a hurricane
    In the 1900's Clara funded her last releif operation. This time it was for victems of deadly hurricans. Clara wanted to help everyone she could even if she was 78. This is not the exact day she created this program.
  • Clara resigns as leader of the Redcross

    Clara resigns as leader of the Redcross
    Clara resignes as the leader of the Red Cross. She was the leader of Red Cross for over 20 years. Although she resigns, she doesn't stop helping others. This date is not the date she resigned but the year.
  • Death
