Clara Barton

  • Clara Barton was born.

    Clara Barton was born.
    Clara Barton was born on December 25th, 1821. She was born in Oxford, Massachusetts.
  • Clara started an education.

    Clara started an education.
    Clara Barton went to school and gained an education from the help of teachers and her older brothers and sisters. She went to school from 1825-1836.
  • Clara's brother is injured.

    David Barton falls from a rafter in the unfinished barn and is injured and Clara cares for him for 2 years.This event marks the beginning of her medical career. She learns new things of how to take care of people, while she takes care of her brother.
  • Begins a career

    Begins a career
    Clara passes examinations. She began a teaching career in Oxford, Massachusetts.
  • Family Death

    Family Death
    Dorethea Barton (Clara's sister) died.
  • Education

    Clara went to the Clinton Liberal Institute in New York to further her education.
  • Family Death

    Family Death
    Sarah Barton (Clara's mom) dies. She died in her sleep of natural causes.
  • leaves her teaching career

    leaves her teaching career
    Clara established the first free public school and left Bordentown. She then left her teaching career and starts working as a recording clerk.
  • Moved to Washington, DC

    Moved to Washington, DC
    Clara Barton moves to Washington, DC. She works as a recording clerk at the U.S. patent office.
  • Goes to battlefields

    Goes to battlefields
    Clara is far in her nursing career and she goes to the battlefields and cares for wounded.
  • Founded the American Red Cross

    Founded the American Red Cross
    At age 60, Clara founded the American Red Cross in 1881 and led it for the next 23 years.
  • Publishes a story

    Publishes a story
    Clara Barton publishes a story of the Red Cross.
  • Retires from Red Cross

    Retires from Red Cross
    Clara Barton retires from the American Red Cross. She created a very successful organization and it still exists today.
  • Publishes an autobiography

    Publishes an autobiography
    Clara publishes an autobiography called, "The story of my childhood."
  • Clara barton dies.

    Clara barton dies.
    Clara Barton dies in Glen Echo, Maryland at the age of 90. She is remembered as the, "Angel of Batt."