Claire's Personal Timeline

  • The day I was born

    I was born on the 10th of December, 2005. My original due date was on my sister's birthday with is the 6th of December!
  • First time at my grandparents farm

    First time at my grandparents farm
    This was one of the first times I remember going to my grandparents farm in Iowa.
  • First allergic reaction

    First allergic reaction
    This was also at my grandparents farm. I was messing around in the corn fields and the corn pollen made my eyes and nose swell!
  • First dog

    First dog
    This was my frist dog I ever got. His name is moose:)
  • My sister's graduation

    My sister's graduation
    This was the day my sister's graduated from high school.
  • My first time going to Nashville

    My first time going to Nashville
    For my 16th birthday, my parents took me and my friend Ashley to Nashville to see my favorite artist. I fell in love with the city.
  • My 18th birthday (present time)

    My 18th birthday (present time)
    This Sunday, I celebrated my 18th birthday with my family and friends.
  • When I graduate from high school

    When I graduate from high school
    I will be graduating from high school on May 18.
  • When I move to Nashville

    When I move to Nashville
    I am planning on going to Nashville for college and I hope to stay there for my career.
  • Starting my career

    Starting my career
    After I graduate from college, I want to start off a successful career in the music business industry.
  • My wedding

    My wedding
    I hope to find someone and get married to them when I am around 28-30 years old.
  • First kid

    First kid
    I am wanting to have my first kid around 32-36 years old.
  • What does your time line tell you about yourself?

    This timeline tells me that I have had a really nice and blessed life. I think you can tell that my family is very important to my through this timeline and I am so blessed that I have a family as amazing and loving as mine.
  • How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?

    If certain events in my life were changed, my life would be very different from right now. For example, if I was born first instead of being the youngest, I would have had different experiences and my parents would probably have parented me a bit differently.
  • How flexible or fixed does your future seem to be?

    Although I wrote very specific events for the future, I am very open to whatever and wherever life takes me. I know that with the career I am planning on pursuing, I will need to be flexible and able to "go with the flow". So although what I have written down is ideal, I am completely fine with those dates changing.