First Day of High School
Melinda a.k.a "mel" is the main character of the book. Melinda is attending her very first day of high school at Merryweather High. Melinda is not looking forward to high school, "I have entered high school with the wrond hair, the wrong clothes, the wrong attitude. And I don't have anyone to sit with. I am Outcast." Going into high school Melinda lost all of her friends because she called the cops at an end of summer party and now everyone hates her. -
Old Janitor's Closet
Melinda runs into her ex best friend Rachel. Mel tries talking to and apologizing to her for what happened in the summer. Rachel just ignores her and walks away. Mel realizes she's going to have a rough year. Melinda finds an old janitor's closet and she cleans it up nice, so she has a place to hide. -
Pep Ralley
Melinda goes to the school pep rally with her new friend Heather. Someone finds out who melinda is and then everyone starts yelling and making fun of her because of the end of summer party. -
Bad Grades
It's only the beginning of the year and Melinda already wants to drop out of school. She can't deal with the bullying. Mel's grades a horrible and her parents are starting to get mad at her. They ground her until she starts getting her grades up. -
Halloween Flashback
Melinda can't stop thinking about her old friends. She hates feeling like an outcast and she wants to be friends again with her old friend group. On Halloween night Mel thinks back on the memories she made with her old friends and wishes she was still friends with them. -
Art Class
Melinda has a love/hate relationship with art. Her art teacher Mr. Freeman is one of her favorite teachers. The only thing Melinda doesn't like about art is Mr. Freeman makes her relate her art pieces to her feelings. Melinda doesn't like thinking of her feelings because it makes her more sad and depressed. -
New Mascot
All the school cares about is changing their mascot and Melinda could care less. The school changed the mascot to the Merryweather Wombats. Melinda is sick and tired of hearing what the school mascot is. She has bigger problems to worry about than a wombat. -
Bad Grades Again
Again Melinda's grades are horrible. Her mom is mad and yellis at her, "Grades, blah,blah,blah, Attitude, blah, blah, blah..." Melinda could care less about what her mom has to say and she could care less about her grades and school. -
Skipping School
One moring Melinda missed the bus and her mom made her walk to school. Instead of walking to school she took the public bus to the mall, 'The first hour of blowing off school is great." Melinda thinks blowing school off is a great idea, but then she realizes that it wasn't a good idea and that she would problay get in trouble, but surprisingly she doesn't. -
Parent Meeting
Melinda and her parents have a meeting with the principal and guidance counslor because, "Somone has noticed that I've been absent." At the meeting Melinda went mute and didn't talk. They were all upset with Mel for not talking, but she didn't care. -
Helping a "Friend"
Rachel is dating a guy named Andy Evans. Andy has previously hurt Mel. Mel wants to warn Rachel about him, "Why worry about Rachel?" Rachel hasn't done a single thing for Mel this year, But Mel doesn't want her ex best friend to get hurt. -
The guidance counselor said if Melinda missed another day of school that she would get a Merryweather In School Suspention (M.I.S.S). Melinda didn't listen very well, "So I took another day off school and Bingo! I earned a trip to MISS. Melinda didn't really care she thought it was stupid. -
Mall Buddy
Melinda goes to the mall and runs into another one of her old best friends Ivy, but Ivy is nice to Mel. Mel and Ivy are in the same art class. "Ivy is sitting on the edge of the fountain, a giant sketch book balanced on her knees", Ivy is drawing little kids running around. Mel goes up to her and they talk. Ivy lets Mel draw with her. -
MISS Round Two
To get extra credit in Social Studies Mel had to write a report on suffragettes. Mel put her heart and soul into this report. Mel walked into class the day it was due and her teacher told her she had to read it in front of the class, "There is no way I'm reading my suffragette report in front of the class." Mel refused to read her report in front of the class so her teacher gave her a MISS. -
Friends Again?
Heather asks Mel to help her decorate the room for prom. Mel stands up for herself and says no beacuse of what Heather did to her. Melinda thinks that Heather was going to forget about her again after she helped her decorate, so she said no. -
Talking to Rachel
Mel tells Rachel that Andy hurt her. Rachel feels bad about what happened. Rachel thinks that they can be friends again. At the prom Rachel breaks up with And and Andy gets super mad. -
Melinda Vs. Andy
Melinda was in her old janitor's closet, when Andy comes in. Andy tells her what Rachel told him. He said that it was all a lie and that Melinda was just saying that for attention. Andy then slams Mel against the wall and he starts choking her. Melinda fights him back and she wins! -
Last Day of School
On the last day of school she finishes her art project and gets an A on it. She also gets an A in the class for the year. Also people now know who Melinda are because she beat up Andy Evans. The last day of school wasn't so bad after all. -
Apple Orchard
In biology class Mel is doing an experiment with apples. The apples make Melinda remember when she was little she went to the apple orchard with her family, "It was like falling into a story book." Melinda wishes she could go back to when she was young when she had nothing to worry about. -
Best Friends?
At lunch one day Heather tells Melinda that they are not friends anymore, "We were never really, really friends were we?" Melinda and Heather were both very different people but, I thought that they were a good friend pair because they balanced each other out.