Beginning labor
Time usually begins to slow down for the mother because she is so anxious. Then lightening occurs. This occurs when the baby settles deep in the pelvis near the time of birth -
Early signs of labor
An early sign of labor is the “show." This is when a little blood or a pinkish vaginal stain that occurs when the mucus that plugs the uterus during pregnancy dissolves. This occurs as early as a few days prior to birth -
Early signs of labor
Some women realize that they are in labor when they feel a The next sign of labor is when a trickle or gush of warm fluid from the vagina comes out (aka this is the amniotic sac breaking). After this membrane has broken the baby will be born around 24-48 hours later. -
Early signs of labor
The last early sign of labor is when a contraction occurs.This is the tightening and releasing of the muscles of the uterus. -
Stages of Labor
- Contractions will open the cervix at regular intervals 2. The mother will need her partner during this time and will need to become more focused or use the breathing exercises she has learned. 3. The woman should receive pain medication at this time if asked for. 4. The baby will move into the lower pelvis as the cervix dilates. 5. The cervix will become fully dilated to a diameter of about 10 centimeters.
Stages of labor
- The mother may feel few contractions and feel a desire to push after the baby is born. these are not painful and they help the placenta separate from the uterine wall.2.Then the mother will push the placenta out of her body and the birth process is complete
Stages of labor
- Contractions become more productive by pushing the baby through the pelvis and out the birth canal.
- The woman begins to push at this stage.
- A hormone called relaxin allows the tissue to stretch like rubber bands and moves apart the pelvis bones and allows the walls of vagina to stretch
- Now the doctor may widen it with a surgical cut called an episiotomy if needed.
- The baby’s head emerges and the doctor and the doctotr helps guide it out.
- The doctors can use forceps or a vacuum.