
  • 1492

    Columbian Exchange

    Columbian Exchange
    Mixing of plants, animals, and bacteria. This interaction took place between the Americas and Europe. The Columbian exchange will effect the Native Americans as well as the people of Europe in both good and bad ways.
  • 1492

    Smallpox Killing Native Population

    Smallpox Killing Native Population
    Diseases that were transferred from Spanish and Portuguese conquistadors had a negative impact on the Native population. Many of the Native Americans died from these diseases because they had never come into contact with it. Thus, killing a large amount of the natives who inhabited the Americas.
  • 1540

    Great plains civilizations

    Great plains civilizations
    Civilizations in the Great Plains were nomadic because they followed their food source (buffalo). Eventually get weapons from Europeans along with horses to hunt the buffalo which led to permanent settlements as a result of the Colombian Exchange.
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was colonized in the hopes of finding gold and other valuable resources. Most of the colony died during the first couple of years after establishing Jamestown. It also just so happens that the climate allowed for tobacco to flourish. in turn,the colony will later come to benefit economically from the cultivation of tobacco.
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    Slavery in Colonies

    All of the English colonies participated in the Atlantic Slave Trade for a number of reasons. one of the various reasons was because paid laborers were too expensive and indigenous people had been wiped out.The slave trade took place throughout the 17th and 18th centuries.
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    Beaver Wars

    The Beavers wars were fought between the Iroquois and the French because the Iroquois wanted to extend their territory .The problem with that was that the Natives also wanted to control and make more money off of it nut the French and English wanted the same thing. So they were ultimately bound to fight.
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    Fur Trade

    The French and Dutch relied on the fur trade with the Natives in order to prosper economically in the Americas. They used their good relations with the Natives that live around them in order to export fur to Europe. But,the fur trade will later lead to conflict between Europe and France.
  • King Philips War

    Metacom was the Wampanoag leader who led a war against New England settlers. The settlers wanted to convert the Natives to Christianity and the natives didn't want that.
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    Bacon's Rebellion

    As a result of tobacco being an economic success people wanted to expand. The problem with that was that the governor wouldn't allow the poor farmers to expand onto Native American land. Bacon's Rebellion ran the governor away, they attacked Native American Settlements, and burned down Jamestown.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    A group of colonist who were upset over the quartering act as well as many of the acts that were being placed upon them at the time begun to harass troops one day by throwing snowballs and rocks at the British soldiers. The soldiers responded by firing their guns into the crowd effectively killing five unarmed civilians.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Britain passed the Tea act in 1773 placing a tax on tea. Many colonist were upset and refused to pay for tea even though the Tea Act lowered the price of tea. Some colonist protested the tax on tea by throwing the shipment of tea into the Boston Harbor. As a result of this the Parliament will pass the cohesive acts and also close the Boston Harbor along with many other consequences.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    Under he Articles of Confederation the majority of the power was given to individual states creating a central government with limited power. The Articles had many weaknesses such as the fact that the federal government had no power to collect taxes and they could not declare war or handle any foreign affairs.
  • Northwest Ordinance of 1787

    Northwest Ordinance of 1787
    The Northwest Ordinance was enacted to admit new states. The ordinance also called for free education, led to increased interactions with Natives: broke the promise of the proclamation of 1763, and banned slavery in these states.
  • Federalist Papers

    Federalist Papers
    The Federalist Papers were a series of essays written by Hamilton, Jay, and Madison to advertise for the support of the ratification of the constitution. Federalist like Hamilton and Madison ensured the ratification of the constitution by promising to add the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights will give states individual rights and restrict the federal government.
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    Haitian Revolution

    Slave revolt that broke out in the French colony of Saint Domingue. The rebellion was the largest slave revolt in the Western Hemisphere. This revolt was inspired by the American Revolution ideals set forth in the declaration of Independence.
  • George Washington’s Farewell Address

    George Washington stepping down from his presidency led as an example of two term presidency that we still follow to this day. Washington’s Farewell Address encouraged national unity because he feared that political factions would teartgeir new nation apart.