South Carolina Leaves
South Carolina is the first confederate state to secede from the union -
Mississippi leaves:(
Mississippi secedes from the union -
Florida Leaves
Florida Secedes from union -
Confederacy Forms
Confederate states of america forms the souths "new country" -
Lincolns inauguration
Abraham Lincoln is inaugurated as the 16th president. He warns the south he will not tolerate secession. -
Battle of Shiloh
Confederates started the war but the unions won -
Souths commander
General Robert E. Lee assumes command of the confederate army. -
Emancipation Proclamation
President Lincoln announced that he was freeing all enslaved people that resided in states in rebellion -
Sherman burns Atlanta down -
Gettysburg Address
President Lincoln commemorated Battle of Gettysburg in a speech to the public -
Lincolns Second Term
President Lincoln is sworn for his second term as President of the United States -
War Over
General Robert E. Lee surrenders to General Ulysses S. Grant in a farm house of Appolmatttox Court House. -
Freedman's Bureau
The Freedman's Bureau was passed by congress -
Beginning of Reconstruction
congress passed a bill admitting arkansas, alabama, florida,georgia, lousiana, north carolina, and south carolina into the unjon -
Ulyssses S. Grant
Ulysses S. Grant become the 18th president of the united states after Andrew johnson