Period: to
Civil War / Maxted
The Pony Express
The Pony Express began fast overland mail service providing effective communication. -
Election of 1860
Election of 1860. Abraham Lincoln is elected the 16th President of the United States defeating Stephen Douglas -
South Carolina secession
South Carolina legislature approves bill calling for secession convention to begin December 17, 1860. -
South Carolina Secedes from the Union
On December 18, South Carolina Secession Convention reconvenes in Institute Hall in Charleston. On December 20, all the attending representitives voted (169-0) for secession -
South Carolina Calls for Southern Confederacy
The South Carolina Secession Convention proposes that a convention meet in Montgomery, Alabama, to create a constitution for the new Southern Confederacy. -
Mississippi Secedes from the Union
Mississippi becomes the second state to secede when the Mississippi Secession Convention passes a secession ordinance 84-15 -
Texas secedes
Texas secedes from the union -
Jefferson Davis president of Confederacy
Davis inaugurated as provisional president of Confederacy -
Abraham Lincoln inaugurated on March 4 1861 -
Irvin McDowell suffers a defeat at Bull Run
Confederate Gen. Thomas J. Jackson earns the nickname "Stonewall," as his troops resist Union attacks. Union troops fall back to Washington. -
Mill Springs
Battle of Mill Springs in kentucky, was an easrly UNion victory over powering the Confederates -
Fort Henry
Union army and navy forces take Fort Henry on the Tennessee River -
Battle of Shiloh, was a battle at a small church in Tennesee -
Battle of McDowell
Battle of McDowell -
Robert E. Lee
Lee takes command of Confederate army in Richmond. Rober E. Lee was one of the most clever and best commaders at the time. -
Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was issued on January 1, 1863 -
Confedrate General Stonewall Jackson, dies due to one of his own soldiers shooting him. -
West Virginia
West Virginia admitted to Union as 35th state -
Battle of Gettysburg, amajor turning point in favor of the Union -
Lincoln delivers Gettysburg address
Lincoln adresses all the soldiers who took part in the Battle at Gettysburg. -
Battle of Cold Harbor
Confederatres take the W at this battle, how ever this will be the last victory for Robert E. Lee's army. -
Initial Union attacks at Peterburg, Union move in to capture and control Peterburg. -
Union troops occupy Atlanta
Union troops in Atlanta to close in on the Feds. Anaconda Plan. -
Battle of Cedar Creek
A Union Victory all though Union was suprised by an attack, Gen. Jubal Early oled the suprise attack. -
Lincoln elected for second term, which he will win the election. All thoiugh won't last through his second term. -
Major year for Union
The Union win just about every battle and capture every Confederate fort in 1865. Closing of the civil war. -
Linclon will be inagurated for the second time. -
First ever assination of a President
Licoln will be assinated at Ford's theater by John Wilkes Booth. He is sho0t in the back of the head but doesn not immeadeatly die. -
Abraham Licoln dies
Abraham Licoln stays alive through the night, but passes away early morning, due to a buller logged in his head by John Wilkes Booth. -
John Wilkes Booth
Abraham Licoln's assisn(Booth) is found, trapped, and killed. Justice is served. -
End of Civil war
Smith surrenders Trans-Mississippi Confederate army, therfore ending the civil wqar. The Union is the victor.