Civil war soldiers

Civil War Timeline- Luna

  • Period: to

    Civil War Timeline- Luna

  • Cooper Union

    Cooper Union
    Abraham Lincoln gave a speech that contributed largely to the election of presidency.
  • Nominatted

    Abraham Lincoln was nominatted to have a chance to be elected president by the republic party.
  • Printing Office

    Printing Office
    Government establishes Printing Office.
  • Lincoln Elected President

    Lincoln Elected President
    Abraham Lincoln was elected on this date, and won by 180 electorial votes.
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    South Carolina secedes from the union on this date.
  • Confederate Forms

    Confederate Forms
    Confederate States of America is formed, and appoints Jefferson Davis as the first and only president the Confederacy will ever see.
  • Officially President

    Officially President
    Abraham Lincolin is officially inaugerated as president on this date.
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    Fort Sumter is attacked on this date, and officially starts the Civil War.
  • Virginia Secedes

    Virginia Secedes
    Virginia secedes forming an eleven state Confederacy, who's population is now 9 million, with 4 million being slaves.
  • First Bull Run

    First Bull Run
    Date of First Bull Run, where Lincoln first realized that the Civil War will be a long one.
  • Capturing of the Forts

    Capturing of the Forts
    Captured Fort Henry, and ten years later Fort Donelson was captured by Grant.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Second Battle of Bull Run
    Union Army retreats
  • Antietam

    Bloodiest battle of the war. CONFEDERATES RETREAT!!!
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Freed slaves
  • Frederickburg

    Army of Potomac suffers costly lose.
  • Gettysburg

    Takes place for three days, the first through the third.
  • Vicksburg

    Last Confederate strong hold on the Mississppi River.
  • Frederick Douglass

    Frederick Douglass
    Frederick Douglass meets with Abraham Lincoln.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    On this date Lincoln gives his famous speech "The Gettysburg Address", which is still today considered one of the best speeches in history.
  • Chattanooga

    Where Union forces took down rebels who were led by General Bragg
  • Battle of Spotsylvania

    Battle of Spotsylvania
    In the month of May General Grant continued to attack Lee, and at the Spotsylvania court house they fought for five days.
  • Cold Harbor

    Cold Harbor
    Where 7,000 Union lives were lost, which was a costly mistake made by Grant.
  • George B. McClellan

    George B. McClellan
    On this date the Democrats nominate George B. McClellan to represent their party and run against Lincoln.
  • Abraham Lincoln is Re-elected

    Abraham Lincoln is Re-elected
    On this date Abraham Lincoln was re-elected as president, which was actually very surprising. This is because the war was prolonged by Lincoln, and many though by re-electing him that it would grow even longer.
  • Sherman

    On this date Sherman left a 300 mile long path of destruction that started in Atlanta then ended at Savannah, Georgia.
  • The Confederacy Begins to Fall

    The Confederacy Begins to Fall
    Due to transportation problems and blockades made by the north severe food shortages and lack of supplies in the south. Many soldiers desert the army for this reason.
  • Thank You Sherman!

    Thank You Sherman!
    Union General Sherman moves from Georgia through South Carolina destroying almost everything in his path.
  • The Apology is Lost

    The Apology is Lost
    "President" Davis sent delagates to a peace conferance with Lincoln and the Secretary of State, but it never happened because they demanded that Lincoln recgonize the south's independence.
  • Richmond has fallen

    Richmond has fallen
    Lee attacked Grant and lost (Petersburg), and then retreated from Richmond due to their defeat.
  • Appomattox Courthouse

    Appomattox Courthouse
    Where Lee surrendered to Grant, due to the fact that all of his troops were surrounded.