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Civil war timeline history project

  • Period: to

    civil war beginning to end

  • Mississippi,Florida,Alabama,Georgia,Louisiana and Texas secede from the united states

    Mississippi,Florida,Alabama,Georgia,Louisiana and Texas secede from the united states
    Mississippi,Florida,Alabama,Georgia,Louisiana and Texas secede from the the united states because of the conflict between the north and south about slavery.
  • civil war officially begins

    civil war officially begins
    civil war officially begins due to confederate forces firing on fort Sumter,south California
  • Richmond becomes capital of confederacy

    Richmond becomes capital of confederacy
    Richmond became the capital of confederacy because it was the most industrialized city in the south and it had the least railroads and had a good industrial advantage.
  • United States forces to cross the Potomac River

    United States forces to cross the Potomac River
    United States crosses the Potomac River to take and occupy Arlington Heights which is also the home of future Confederate General Robert E.lee.
  • forts are made and crafted to delay and stop confederate threats in northern Virginia

    forts are made and crafted to delay and stop confederate threats in northern Virginia
    Forts are built around Washington city so that they could delay and stop confederate threats in northern Virginia.
  • battle of bull run

    battle of bull run
    The battle of bull run was fought near Mananas, Virginia. The Union Army was commanded under Irwin McDowell began to succeeded in driving back Confederate forces who were being commanded by General Pierre Gustav Tout-ant Beauregard, but the arrival of troops under General Joseph E. Johnston begins to turn the tables that send McDowell's army in a panicked retreat to the defenses of Washington. cited from national park service website
  • Lincoln issues a public declaration

    President Lincoln issues a public declaration that an insurrection exists and calls for 75,000 militia to stop the rebellion.
  • April 24-25, 1862- A Federal fleet of gunships passes the mouth of the Mississippi river

    A Federal fleet of gunships under Admiral David Farragut passes Confederate forts guarding the mouth of the Mississippi River
  • The Battle of Seven Pines

    The Battle of Seven Pines
    General Joseph Johnston, commander of the Confederate army in Virginia is wounded and replaced by Robert E. Lee renames his command the "Army of Northern Virginia".
  • The Seven Days' Battles before Richmond

    General Lee's army attacked the US Army of the Potomac under General George McClellan in a succession of battles.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    US General Joseph Hooker's plan to flank Lee falls apart and Union forces retreat. Lee's victory at Chancellorsville is overwhelmed by high casualties, including the mortal wounding of "Stonewall" Jackson, who dies on May 10. Soon after, Lee asks Jefferson Davis for permission to invade the North and take the war out of Virginia.
  • Siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi begins

    Siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi begins
    The US forces were under General Ulysses S. Grant's authority attacked Confederate defenses outside the city on May 19-22. If Vicksburg falls, the Mississippi River will be completely controlled by the United States.
  • Vicksburg, Mississippi, surrenders

    The capture of Vicksburg gives the Unites States complete control of the Mississippi River, and it also gives a vital supply line for the Confederate states in the west. At Gettysburg, Lee begins his retreat to Virginia.
  • In Georgia, Camp Sumter Prison Camp opens.

     In Georgia, Camp Sumter Prison Camp opens.
    In Georgia, Camp Sumter Prison Camp opens. Or also referred to as Andersonville Prison Camp, it will become notorious for overcrowded conditions and a high death rate among its inmates.
  • Battle of Kennesaw Mountain, Georgia.

    Battle of Kennesaw Mountain, Georgia. After weeks of maneuvering and battles, Sherman's Army of the Cumberland and Army of the Tennessee smashed into Johnston's carefully planned defenses at Big and Little Kennesaw. Johnston remains on this line until July 2, when he retreats at the threat being flanked by Sherman's mobile force.
  • Battle of Kennesaw Mountain, Georgia.

    Though the battle was a US defeat, it was also nicknamed as "the battle that saved Washington" for it succeeded in holding back Early's march until troops could be sent to the capital's defense.
  • The Battle of the Crater at Petersburg, Virginia.

    The Battle of the Crater at Petersburg, Virginia.
    Federal forces explode a massive mine under a Confederate fort in the Petersburg siege lines. The infantry charge that followed was poorly coordinated and by day's end, Confederate counterattacks had driven out the US troops and the siege lines remained unchanged.
  • March 25, 1865- Attack on Fort Stedman, Petersburg, Virginia.

    Confederate troops under General John B. Gordon attack and briefly capture the Federal fort in the Petersburg siege lines in an attempt to thwart US plans for a late March assault. By day's end, the Confederates will be thrown out and the lines remain unchanged.
  • Battle of Appomattox Court House and Surrender, Appomattox Court House, Virginia.

     Battle of Appomattox Court House and Surrender, Appomattox Court House, Virginia.
    After an early morning attempt to break through Federal forces blocking the route west to Danville, Virginia, Lee seeks an audience with General Grant to discuss terms. Lee signs the document of surrender. On April 12, the Army of Northern Virginia formally surrendered and was disbanded.
  • assassination of Abraham Lincoln

    assassination of Abraham Lincoln
    President Abraham Lincoln is assassinated by actor John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theater in Washington, DC.