
Civil War Timeline

By hjk0710
  • Presidential Election of 1860

    Presidential Election of 1860
    Lincoln won election, even though nine states voted against him
  • South Carolina secedes from the Union

    South Carolina secedes from the Union
    South Carolina secedes from the union, and was the first slave state to do so
  • Forming of the Confederate States of America

    Forming of the Confederate States of America
    By February of the next year seven southern states had seceded from the union
  • Lincoln’s first inaugural address

    Lincoln’s first inaugural address
    His first inaugural address was part of his oath of office but was mainly focused on the South and the states that had seceded
  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    Battle of Fort Sumter
    ¨First¨ battle of the Civil War, was also a Confederate victory and is the beginning of the American Civil War
  • First Battle of Bull Run ( Manassas)

    First Battle of Bull Run ( Manassas)
    Was the first major battle of the American Civil War and again lead in ¨decisive"confederate victory
  • Jefferson Davis appointed president of Confederacy

    Jefferson Davis appointed president of Confederacy
    Jefferson Davis is elected the president of the confederate states and is the only president of them
  • First battle of Ironclads

    First battle of Ironclads
    Is the first battle between ¨ïronclad¨ warships (USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia)
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    Was fought on the Western Theater of the A.C.W. on April 6th and April 7th of 1862 - led to Union Victory
  • Siege of New Orleans by Union

    Siege of New Orleans by Union
    An attack on New Orleans by the Union´s Navy. The Union wanted to capture the city and succeeded and the loss of N.O. was a major loss for the Confederate States during the war
  • (Second) Battle of Bull Run

    (Second) Battle of Bull Run
    Was the second battle of Bull Run and was much larger than the first - led to Confederate Victory
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    Was the first ¨field army¨ level battle during the Civil War and is considered the bloodiest day in United States history - led to Union Victory
  • Battle of Vicksburg (siege)

    Battle of Vicksburg (siege)
    Was the conversion of General Grant´s Armies onto Vicksburg and trapped a Confederate Army who finally surrendered on July 4th
  • 54th Massachusetts Colored Infantry in combat

    54th Massachusetts Colored Infantry in combat
    Was the first colored regiment to fight in the Civil War (fought on the side of the Union Army) commanded by Colonel Shaw and Hallowell
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The E.P. declared ¨that all person held as slaves within the rebellious states are, and henceforward shall be free" ending slavery
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    Is considered one of the most important engagement of the American Civil War and was the bloodiest battle of the A.C.W. - led to Union Victory
  • Draft Riots begin in New York City

    Draft Riots begin in New York City
    Were riots about the new laws that were passed by Congress that year to draft men into the Civil War
  • The Lawrence Massacre (sacking of Lawrence)

    The Lawrence Massacre (sacking of Lawrence)
    Was an attack on Lawrence, Kansas led by William Quantrill because of the towns support of abolition
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    Was a speech given by Lincoln about equality between all people no matter the color of their skin. Was given at the National Cemetery in Gettysburg. And is also known as one of the greatest speeches in American history
  • First Successful Submarine Attack of the Civil War

    First Successful Submarine Attack of the Civil War
    Was the first successful attack of a submarine (H.L. Hunley)
  • Battle of the Wilderness Virginia

    Battle of the Wilderness Virginia
    Was a battle in Virginia that was apart of Grant´s ¨Overland Campaign¨. The battle never had a decisive victory but the Union Army´s offensive continued
  • Fall of Atlanta, Georgia

    Fall of Atlanta, Georgia
    Was an attack on Atlanta which was apart of the ¨Atlanta Campaign¨ during the Civil War- led to Union Victory and the capture of Atlanta
  • Lincoln wins a second term

    Lincoln wins a second term
    Lincoln wins his second term in office and was elected due to the North´s hope to win the Civil Wars and eliminate the Confederacy
  • Sherman's Army of Georgia arrives at Savannah, Georgia

    Sherman's Army of Georgia arrives at Savannah, Georgia
    General Sherman´s Army arrives in Savannah (also known as the Savannah Campaign)
  • Assault and capture of Fort Fisher, North Carolina

    Assault and capture of Fort Fisher, North Carolina
    Was a successful attack on Fort Fisher by the Union Army. Fort Fisher was the last major coastal stronghold of the South and with its capture meant the downfall of the Confederacy
  • Lincoln’s 2nd inaugural address

    Lincoln’s 2nd inaugural address
    Was Abraham Lincoln´s 2nd Inaugural Address and was given on the final days of the Civil War and a month before his assassination
  • Sherman’s troops occupy Fayetteville, NC

    Sherman’s troops occupy Fayetteville, NC
    General Sherman´s troops make in into Fayetteville, North Carolina
  • Battle of Appomattox Courthouse (Lee surrenders)

    Battle of Appomattox Courthouse (Lee surrenders)
    Was one of the last battles of the Civil War and is where General Lee surrenders to the Union - Led to Union Victory
  • Assassination of Lincoln

    Assassination of Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at the Ford Theater in D.C.