Civil War Timeline

  • Period: to

    Aryan Sharma Civil War Timeline

  • Shoemaker Strike

    Shoemaker Strike
    In New England there has been a strike because of lost jobs.
  • Cooper Speech

    Cooper Speech
    Abraham Lincoln Gives his Cooper Speech to the public.
  • Spencer Rifle

    Spencer Rifle
    A New Rifle has been patented
  • The Pony Express Begins

    The Pony Express Begins
    Riders on Horseback are sent with mail to ride across the country to send mail back and forth, the name Pony Express was created and the Pony Express began.
  • Union Party Has Been Created

    Union Party Has Been Created
    The new Union Party has Been created.
  • Henry Repeating Rifle

    Henry Repeating Rifle
    The Henry Rifle was invented and was used all throughout the United States Civil War.
  • Fort Sumter Is Threatened

    Fort Sumter Is Threatened
    First signs of aggression from the South are shown here
  • Abraham Lincoln Defeats Three Candidates for Presidency

    Abraham Lincoln Defeats Three Candidates for Presidency
    Abraham Lincoln, running for the President of the United States, has been running on an anti-slavery platform, and has succeeded.
  • Sucession Convention

    Sucession Convention
    The First Succession Convention was held in Columbia, South Caroline
  • Crittenden Amendment

    Crittenden Amendment
    A series of amendments proposed by Senator John Crittenden of Kentucky as a (unsuccessful) last ditch effort to avert a civil war by addressing grievances of states considering secession.
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    South Carolina has heard of the elected President Abraham Lincoln, and has responded by being the first state to secede from the Union.
  • Mississippi Secedes from the Union

    Mississippi Secedes from the Union
    Mississippi becomes the second southern state to secede from the Union.
  • Florida Secedes From the Union

    Florida Secedes From the Union
    Florida will leave the Union to join the Confederacy. They become the 3rd state to do so.
  • Alabama Secedes

    Alabama Secedes
    Becomes the fourth state to secede
  • Georgia Secedes

    Georgia Secedes
    Becomes Fifth State
  • Louisiana Secedes

    Louisiana Secedes
    They are the sixth state to secede
  • Texas Secedes

    Texas Secedes
    Seventh State to secede
  • Jefferson Davis is elected president of Confederacy

    Jefferson Davis is elected president of Confederacy
    The Confederate elects Jefferson Davis as president.
  • Abraham Lincoln Becomes President

    Abraham Lincoln Becomes President
    Licoln Becomes the 16th President of the United States. He represented the Republican party.
  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    Battle of Fort Sumter
    The battle that declared the war between the North and South
  • Virginia Secedes

    Virginia Secedes
    Eight State to secede from the Union
  • Battle of Fort Henry

    Battle of Fort Henry
    Fort Henry is captured and taken
  • Fort Donelson

    Fort Donelson
    Ulysses. S. Grant has captured and is victorious at Fort Donelson
  • Shiloh Attack

    Shiloh Attack
    An attack that defeats somewhat of Ulysses. S Grants men.
  • Battle of Ironclades

    Battle of Ironclades
    Using navy and ships, a battle was taken with ironclades
  • Capture of New Orleans

    Capture of New Orleans
    Union takes over South greatest seaport located in New Orleans.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    An Act allowing people to have land for themselves
  • Battle of Seven Pines

    Battle of Seven Pines
    Gen. Joseph E. Johnston withdrew his army from the Virginia Peninsula toward the Confederate capital of Richmond as Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan's army pursued him.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Second Battle of Bull Run
    5,000 Federals under Gen. John Pope are defeated by 55,000 Confederates under Gen. Stonewall Jackson and Gen. James Longstreet.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    One of the worst battles in the Civil war and one of the Bloodiest.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation granted freedom to the slaves in the Confederate States if the States did not return to the Union by January 1, 1863
  • Ulysses. S. Grant is the is the General

    Ulysses. S. Grant is the is the General
    Grant becomes the General of the West Army.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    Union is defeated.
  • Siege of Port Hudson

    Siege of Port Hudson
    Union gets a victory
  • Stonewall Jackson Death

    Stonewall Jackson Death
    The South suffers a huge blow as Stonewall Jackson dies from his wounds
  • West Virginia becomes a state

    West Virginia becomes a state
    Union people split with the Virginia state and created a new state.
  • Battle of Gettysbury

    Battle of Gettysbury
    A Union victory
  • Robert E Lee attempted resignation.

    Robert E Lee attempted resignation.
    Robert E Lee tried resigning because of the defeat at Gettysburg.
  • Battle of Bristoe Station

    Battle of Bristoe Station
    A confederate defeat at trying to push the Union out of Virginia.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    Abraham Lincolns most famous speech.
  • Battle at Chattanooga

    Battle at Chattanooga
    The Confederates siege Union forces but are quickly stopped by Gen. Grant of Union Army.
  • General Grant Takes Over

    General Grant Takes Over
    Grant is now known to be the general for all Union army forces.
  • Battle of Resaca

    Battle of Resaca
    The Battle of Resaca was part of the Atlanta Campaign of the American Civil War. The battle was waged in both Gordon and Whitfield counties, Georgia, May 13–15, 1864. It ended inconclusively with the Confederate Army retreating.
  • Battle of Cold Harbor

    Battle of Cold Harbor
    A costly mistake by Grant results in 7,000 Union casualties in twenty minutes
  • Battle of Monocacy

    Battle of Monocacy
    In an attempt to draw Union troops away from the ongoing siege of Petersburg and Richmond
  • Atlanta is Captured

    Atlanta is Captured
    Atlanta is Captured by Shermans army
  • Battle of Fisher's Hill

    Battle of Fisher's Hill
    Union Victory
  • Lincoln is Re-elected

    Lincoln is Re-elected
    Lincoln is Re-Elected as President for a second term.
  • Nevada

    Becomes a state of the Union Army
  • Battle of Nashville

    Battle of Nashville
    This was the final major battle on the western front. It ended in a decisive Union victory.
  • Sherman Accomplishes his Goal

    Sherman Accomplishes his Goal
    Sherman reaches Savannah, Georgia, leaving behind a 300-mile long path of destruction 60 miles wide all the way from Atlanta.
  • Congress Approves Thirteenth Amendment.

    Congress Approves Thirteenth Amendment.
    Thirteenth Amendment is in place
  • Robert E Lee becomes General in Chief.

    Robert E Lee becomes General in Chief.
    Becomes General in Chief .
  • Lincoln Inaugurated for Second Term

    Lincoln Inaugurated for Second Term
    Officially becomes president for a second term.
  • Fall of Petersburg

    Fall of Petersburg
    Lee leaves Petersburg.
  • Battle of Appomattox

    Battle of Appomattox
    Gen. Robert E. Lee surrenders his Confederate Army to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant at the village of Appomattox Court House in Virginia.
  • The Union Celebrates

    The Union Celebrates
    Union celebrates the Confederates surrender
  • Lincoln is shot

    Lincoln is shot
    Lincoln is assassinated at a playhouse.
  • Josheph E Johnson surrenders.

    Josheph E Johnson surrenders.
    Johnson surrenders to Sherman in North Carolina.
  • Booth is Killed

    Booth is Killed
    Lincoln assassinator is killed
  • All Confederates Have Surrendered

    All Confederates Have Surrendered
    Union has won!
  • Civil Rights Act of 1866

    Civil Rights Act of 1866
    Eventually Congress overrides the President's veto. The act states that every citizen of the Untied States is to be treated equally.
  • Peace officially proclaimed.

    Peace officially proclaimed.
    Peace is fully restored.
  • American Equal Rights Association

    American Equal Rights Association
    Association for all Americans to have equal rights.
  • 14th Amendment is Approved

    14th Amendment is Approved
    the 14th amendment of the Bill of rights is now approved.
  • Tennese

    Now part of the Union
  • Ulysses S Grant becomes 5 Star General.

    Ulysses S Grant becomes 5 Star General.
    Congress creates the 5 Star General and appoints Ulysses as the first General.
  • Investigation on Ku Klux Klan

    Investigation on Ku Klux Klan
    The U. S. Secret Service begins an investigation into the Ku Klux Klan.
  • New Orleans Massacre of 1866

    New Orleans Massacre of 1866
    The New Orleans Massacre of 1866 occurred on July 30, during a violent conflict as white Democrats including police and firemen attacked Republicans, most of them African American, parading outside the Mechanics Institute in New Orleans
  • Texas Rejects 14th Amendment

    Texas Rejects 14th Amendment
    Texas does not approve of the 14th amendment and does now follow.
  • South Carolina Rejects 14th Amendment

    South Carolina Rejects 14th Amendment
    Same as Texas, South Carolina does not accept.
  • Blacks gain the Right to vote in D.C.

    Blacks gain the Right to vote in D.C.
    Black are now allowed to vote in D.C, which is great and a major step in equality.
  • Nebraska Becomes a State

    Nebraska Becomes a State
    Nebraska becomes the 37th state of the United States of America.
  • Tenure of Office Act

    Tenure of Office Act
    Congress passes the Tenure of Office Act, denying the right of the President to remove officials who had been appointed with the consent of Congress.
  • Negroes Votes are Rejected

    Negroes Votes are Rejected
    Negroes are rejected to vote in Virginia.
  • Second Reconstruction Act

    Second Reconstruction Act
    The Second Reconstruction Act supplemented the First Reconstruction Act
  • Alaska is Bought

    Alaska is Bought
    United States has bought Alaska.
  • South Admitted Back into Union

    South Admitted Back into Union
    Congress passes a bill admitting Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, and South Carolina into the Union. Virginia, Mississippi, and Texas.
  • Third Reconstruction Act is now in order.

    Third Reconstruction Act is now in order.
    Congressional control over Reconstruction.
  • Edwin Stanton is Suspended

    Edwin Stanton is Suspended
    President Andrew Johnson demands the resignation of Edwin Stanton.
  • Johnson's Impeachment

    Johnson's Impeachment
    Congress decides and thinks about impeaching Johnson.