Civil War Timeline

  • First Battle Bull Run

    First Battle Bull Run
    Virginia, July 21
    Union General: Irvin McDowell
    Union Troop Strength: 28,000-28,400
    Confederate Generals: Gen. Beauregard & Joseph
    Confederate Troop Strength:20,000
    Casualties Both Sides: Union-2,700 Confederate- 2,000
    Result: confederate Victory
    Effects- The confederates troops were disorganized to press their advantage of.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    Where and when did it take place: Pittsburg, Hardin County. April 6-7, 1862
    Union Generals: Ulysses S. Grant
    Union Troop Strength: 63,000
    Confederate Generals: Albert Sidney Johnson
    Confederate Troop Strength: 40,335
    Casualties on both Sides:
    Results: Union Victory
  • Monitor & Merrimack

    Monitor & Merrimack
    Hampton Rds. Virginia, March 9, 1862
    Union Generals: Louis M. Goldsborough, John L. Warden,
    Union Troop Strength:
    Confederate Generals: Franklin Buchanan
    Confederate Troop Strength:
    Casualties: Union: 500 Confederate: 100
    Results: Strategic Union Victory
    Effects: They didn't have a noticed impact on the union blockades and federal effects to blockade the South.
  • Second Battle Bull Run

    Second Battle Bull Run
    Where & When: August 28-30, 1862- Prince William County Virginia
    Union Generals: John Pope
    Union Troop Strength: 77,000
    Confederate Generals: Robert E. Lee
    Confederate troop Strength: 50,000
    Casualties on both sides: Union- 14,462 Confederate-
    Results- Confederate Victory
  • Siege Of Vicksburg

    Siege Of Vicksburg
    When & Where: Warren county, Virginia May 18, 1863- July 4 1863
    Union Generals: Ulysses S. Grant
    Union Troop Strength: 33,000
    Casualties on both sides- Union: 10,142 Confederate: 9,091
    Results: On July 4, Vicksburg surrendered
    Effects: The battle of Vicksburg surrendered after prolonged siege operations war because Union had got full control of the Mississippi ever. Then they shut down confederates trade , transportation & military and for it cations.
  • Gettysburg Day 1

    Gettysburg Day 1
    Where and when did it take place: July 1, 1863, Northern Virginia
    Union Generals: George G. Meade
    Union Troop Strength:
    Confederate Generals: Robert E. Lee
    Confederate Troop Strength:
    Casualties on both Sides: Union- 23,049 Confederate- 28,063
    Results: Union Victory
    Effect: The confederates had lost militarily and also politically
  • Gettysburg Day 2

    Gettysburg Day 2
    Where and when did it take place: July 2, 1863
    Union Generals: George G. Meade
    Union Troop Strength: 60,000
    Confederate Generals: Robert E. Lee
    Confederate Troop Strength: 50,000
    Casualties on both Sides: Union- 8,752 Confederate- 6,500
    Results: Union Victory
  • GettysBurg Day 3

    GettysBurg Day 3
    Where & When: Adams County Pennsylvania July 3, 1813
    Union Generals: George G. Meade
    Union Troop Strength: 70,000
    Confederate Generals: Robert E. Lee
    Confederate Troop strength: 93,000
    Casualties on Both Sides: Union- 23,005 Confederate- 23,231
    Results: Union Victory
    Effects: Lee Waited for a Union counter attack on July 4, but it never came.
  • Sherman's Mach to Sea

    Sherman's Mach to Sea
    Where & When: Georgia, November 15, 1864- December 21, 1864
    Union Generals: William T. Sherman
    Union Troop strength: 59,545-62,204
    Confederate: Joseph Wheeler, William J. Hardee
    Confederate Troop strength: 12,466
    Casualties on both Sides: Union- 5,000 Confederate- 3,500
    Results: Union Victory
  • Battle Of Appomattox Court-House

    Battle Of Appomattox Court-House
    Where & When: Virginia, April 9, 1865
    Union Generals: Olysses S. Grant
    Union troop strength: 150,000
    Confederate Generals: Robert E. Lee
    Confederate Troop Strength: 28,000
    Casualties on both sides: Union- 260 Confederate: 440
    Results: Decisive Union Victory
    Effects: One of the final battles of the American Civil War. It was in Virginia, in the afternoon on 9 April, that Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant, making the end of the four-year civil war.