civil war timeline by melody

  • 1 CE


    date: april 9, 1855
    state: northern Virginia
    who won : union
    number of forces : none
    number of soldiers died : none
  • first battle of the bull

    first battle of the bull
    state it happened : Virginia
    who won the battle : Confederate victory
    number of forces on each side :
    union - 28,450
    confederate - 32,250
    number of soldiers died on each :
    union - 460
    confederate - 387
  • glorieta pass

    glorieta pass
    state : new mexico
    who won the battle : the union
    number of forces :
    union : 1,300
    confederate : 1,340
    number of soldiers died :
    union : 51
    confederate : 50
  • Vicksburg

    state it happened in :Mississippi
    who won the battle : union victory
    number of forces on each side :
    union : 77,000
    confederate : 33,000
    number of soldier that died on side :
    union : 806
    confederate : 805
  • Antietam

    state : Maryland
    who won the battle : inconclusive
    number of forces on each side :
    union : 87,000
    confederate : 45,000
    number of soldiers died :
    union : 2,108
    confederate : 1,546
  • federicksburg

    state it happened in : virginia
    who won : confederate
    number of forces on each side :
    union : 100,000
    confederate : 72 ,500
    number of soldiers that died :
    union : 12,500
    confederate ; 6,000
  • fort wager

    fort wager
    state : Virginia
    who won the battle : confederate
    number of forces on each side :
    union :100,000
    confederate : 72,500
    number of soldiers died :
    union : 12,500
    confederate : 6,000
  • gettyburg

    state : Pennsylvania
    who won : union
    number of forces involved :
    union : 93,921
    confederate : 71,699
    number of soldiers died :
    union : 3,155
    confederate :
  • chancellorsville

    state it happened in : Virginia
    who won the battle : Confederate victory

    number of forces on each side :
    union :97,382
    confederate : 57,352
    number of soldier died :
    union : 17,304
    confederate: 13,460
  • Shiloh

    state: Tennessee
    who won the battle: union
    number of forces involved on each side :
    union : 13,047
    confederate : 10,669
    number of soldiers died on each side :
    union : 1,754
    confederate : 10,669