Civil War timeline by Destini

  • First Battle of Bull Run

    First Battle of Bull Run
    On July 21 1861 in Virginia the first battle of bull run happened which the Confederates won. 28,450 union soldiers and 32,230 confederate soldiers were involved and 2,896 union soldiers and 1,982 confederate soldiers died in the battle.
  • Glorieta Pass

    Glorieta Pass
    On March 26 1862 in New Mexico the Battle of Glorieta Pass. The Union won the battle. 1,300 union and 1,340 confederate soldiers were involved and 51 union and 50 confederate soldiers died.
  • Shiloh

    On April 6th 1862 in Tennessee the battle of Shiloh happened which the Union won. 65,085 Union soldiers and 44,968 confederate soldiers were involved and 1,047 union soldiers and 10,669 confederate soldiers died in the battle.
  • Antietam

    On September 18th 1862 in Maryland the battle of antietam happened which was inconclusive. 87,000 union soldiers and 45,000 confederate soldiers were involved and 12,401 union soldiers and 10,316 confederate soldiers died in this battle
  • Fredericksburg

    On December 15th 1862 in Virginia the battle of Fredericksburg happened which the confederate won. 100,000 union soldiers and 72,500 confederate soldiers were involved and 12,500 union soldiers and 6,000 confederate soldiers died in this battle.
  • Chancellosrville

    On May 6th 1863 in Virginia which the Confederate won. 97,382 union soldiers and 57,352 confederate soldiers were involved and 17,304 union soldiers and 13,460 confederate soldiers died in this battle.
  • Gettysburg

    On July 3 1863 in Pennsylvania the battle of Gettysburg happened which the Union won. 93,921 union soldiers and 71,699 confederate soldiers were involved and 23,049 union soldiers and 28,063 confederate soldiers were involved.
  • Vicksburg

    On July 4th 1863 in Mississippi the battle of vicksburg happened which the union won. 77,000 union soldiers and 33,000 confederate soldiers were involved with the battle and 4,910 union soldiers and 32,363 confederate soldiers died in this battle
  • Fort Wagner

    Fort Wagner
    On September 7th 1863 in South Carolina the battle of Fort wagner happened which the confederate won. 5,000 union soldiers and 1,800 confederate soldiers were involved in the battle and 1,515 union soldiers and 174 confederate soldiers died in this battle.
  • Appomattox

    On April 9th 1865 in Virginia was the battle of Appomattox The union had won the battle. 0 soldiers and 0 died.