Civil War Timeline by Christopher LaBrec

  • Lincoln's Elected

    Lincoln's Elected
    On November 6, 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president of The United States, this led to the start of the civil war and to make the south go away
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    the all of the civil war events
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    On December 20, 1860 South Carolina started to secede from the US and become its own state and that then formed the confederate states of america in South Carolina, this led to the formation of the confederacy
  • the confederate states of america is formed

    the confederate states of america is formed
    On February 29, 1861 the confederate states of america is formed to go against the union, this led to the confederates ready to go against the union
  • Lincoln's 1st inaguration

    Lincoln's 1st inaguration
    On March 4, 1861 Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated and is now the president of the United States, him being offically being the president and the south being more mad
  • the attack at Ft. Sumter

    the attack at Ft. Sumter
    On April 12, 1861 in Charleston Barber, South Carolina the confederates took back Ft. Sumter from the Union and won the battle in a big win, this was the start off of the war and the 1st gun shots
  • 1st battle of bull run

    1st battle of bull run
    On July 21, 1861 the confederates beat the union when the union thought they were going to win big and didn't in Manassas, Virginia, this led to the 1st major land battle of the war
  • the battle of Shiloh

    the battle of Shiloh
    On April 6, 1862 the confederates tried to get a surprise attack on the union, but the union was still able to win the battle in southwestern Tennessee, this gave TN to the north
  • the 7 days battle

    the 7 days battle
    From June 25 to July 1, 1862 in Hernico County, VA the the confederates beat the union in a series of battles, the won the series of battles
  • the 2nd battle of bull run

    the 2nd battle of bull run
    On August 28, 1862 the confederates defeated the union the in 2nd battle of bull run in Manassas, VA, also Robert e. Lee defeated John pope to win the battle, they were able to pull off a surprising upset
  • battle of antietam

    battle of antietam
    On September 17, 1862 in sharpsburg, Maryland the Union found the plans for the confederate in the battle and the union were able win the battle, lincoln later issued his preliminary emancipation proclamation war/
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    On September 22, 1862 the emancipation proclamation was starting to help change things and keep things good for both confederates and union by Abraham Lincoln, made rights equal for everybody
  • the battle of fredericksburg

    the battle of fredericksburg
    On December 11, 1862 in northern VA the confederates and lee dominated the union in an easy victory, it ended the campaign at the confederate capital
  • the battle of stones river

    the battle of stones river
    On December 31, 1862 in murfreesboro, TN the Union defeated the confederates in a strong effort, they protected the people of TN
  • the battle of chancellorsville

    the battle of chancellorsville
    On April 30, 1863 in spotsylvanis county, VA lee had his greatest victory of the war in the battle of chancellorsville against union, was a very big win for the confederacy
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    the siege of vicksburg

    from may 18, 1863 to july 4, 1863 in vicksburg, MS Ulysses Grant deafeted the Confederates in the final big battle in the vicksburg campaign so the UNION won, it was a huge loss for the confederacy
  • the battle of gettysburg

    the battle of gettysburg
    from july 1 to july 3 of 1863 the union defeated the confederates in when genral meade and his men beat lee and his men tried to launch attack on meade and his men stopped them and on there other attempts so the UNION won, turning point of the war
  • the battle of chickamauga

    the battle of chickamauga
    on september 19, 1863 the confederates and general braxton braggs defeated union forces and where they were holding and the union lost, lead to the them going to atlanta
  • the gettysburg address

    the gettysburg address
    on november 19, 1863 Abraham Lincoln gave his famous gettysburg address in the gettysburg, PN, it was dedicated to dead soldiers
  • the battle of chattanooga

    the battle of chattanooga
    On November 23, 1863 in Chattanooga, TN the union did a surprise attack on the confederate and they weren't ready for it so the union won, leaders on the union side were changed up
  • battle of the wilderness

    battle of the wilderness
    on may 5, 1864 grants men were trying to go to spotsylvania and lees men were trying to stop them and grants men were able to make lee and his men pull back to richmond and grant and his men were on there way the spotsylvania, it lead to the battle of spotsylvania
  • the battle of spotsylvania

    the battle of spotsylvania
    on august 8, 1864 in spotsylvania, VA lee and the confederates defeated grant and union forces after losing the battle of the wilderness, this battle was able to stop the union from taking land from the confederates, the significance of the battle is grant kept on fighting in the war
  • lincolns reelection

    lincolns reelection
    on august 23, 1864 lincoln got reelected as the president of the united states, lincoln got to remain president
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    shermans march to the sea

    from nov 15 to dec 1 of 1864 william sherman went through georgia and dominated the confederacy and the UNION won, the union end up taking the confederacy port
  • battle of franklin

    battle of franklin
    on november 30, 1864 the union deafet the confederates in a counterattack in franklin, TN, unions got stronger control of TN, weakened the confederates, and raised union morale
  • Lincoln's 2nd inauguration

    Lincoln's 2nd inauguration
    on march 4, 1865 lincoln was again finally the president of the us again for a 2nd time, he was the president of the us again
  • surrender at appomattox courthouse

    surrender at appomattox courthouse
    on april 9, 1865 Robert E. Lee decided to surrneder him and the confederacy to the union at appomattox courthouse, the war is finally over
  • officially the end of the civil war

    officially the end of the civil war
    on april 9, 1865 the war is finally over by Robert E. Lee decided to surrneder him and the confederacy to the union at appomattox courthouse, the war is finally over
  • Lincoln assassination

    Lincoln assassination
    on april 14, 1865 abraham lincoln is assassinated at ford thearter by john wilkes booth and lincoln dies the next day, lincoln died as a great president