Civil War Timeline - Briggs

  • Period: to

    Civil War Timespan

    The timespan of the events of the American Civil War
  • Union Square Address

    Union Square Address
    Abraham Lincoln gave an anti-slavery speech in New York, turning him into a major contender for the 1860 election.
  • Abraham Lincoln's Campaign Continues

    Abraham Lincoln's Campaign Continues
    Abraham Lincoln visits children at a Sunday school in the country's worst slum, gaining him popularity.
  • Abraham Lincoln's Nomination

    Abraham Lincoln's Nomination
    Abraham Lincoln is nominated as the Presidential candidate for the Republican Party in May 1860.
  • James Buchanan's Impeachment

    James Buchanan's Impeachment
    President James Buchanan, who ignored the secession crisis, is almost impeached in June 1860.
  • Stephen Douglas's Nomination

    Stephen Douglas's Nomination
    Lincoln's long-time rival, Stephen Douglas, is nominated as the Presidential candidate for the Democratic Party in June 1860.
  • Abraham Lincoln's Election

    Abraham Lincoln's Election
    Abraham Lincoln defeats Stephen Douglas and is elected the 16th president of the United States in November 1860.
  • South Carolina Militia

    South Carolina Militia
    South Carolina raises an army of ten thousand men following both of their senators resigning.
  • James Buchanan's State of the Union

    James Buchanan's State of the Union
    James Buchanan addresses Congress and politely asks everyone to get along.
  • South Carolina Secesion

    South Carolina Secesion
    In December 1860, the state of South Carolina is the first state to officially withdraw from the United States.
  • Crittenden Compromise

    Crittenden Compromise
    A proposed series of amendments to the Constitution that would make slavery permanent.
  • Mississippi Secession

    Mississippi Secession
    In January 1861, the state of Mississippi officially withdraws from the United States.
  • Texas Secession

    Texas Secession
    In February 1861, Texas officially withdraws from the Union.
  • CSA Formed

    CSA Formed
    The Confederate States of America is officially formed in February 1861 with seven member states.
  • Abraham Lincoln's Inauguration

    Abraham Lincoln's Inauguration
    Abraham Lincoln officially took the office of President of the United States in March 1861.
  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    Battle of Fort Sumter
    Confederate cannons are fired at Union held Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina.
  • Virginia Secession

    Virginia Secession
    In April 1861, Virginia joins the Confederacy and holds its capital, Richmond.
  • Robert E. Lee's Appointment

    Robert E. Lee's Appointment
    West Point graduate Robert E. Lee is appointed head of the Confederate Army in April 1861.
  • Tennessee Secession

    Tennessee Secession
    Tennessee joins the Confederacy in June 1861, the last state to do so.
  • Battle of Philippi

    Battle of Philippi
    The Battle of Philippi saw the first casualties of the war, and was the first Union victory.
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    First Battle of Bull Run
    Confederate troops intercept and defeat the Union army marching toward Richmond.
  • Battle of Fort Henry

    Battle of Fort Henry
    Ulysses S. Grant of the Union captures Fort Henry in Tennessee with minimal casualties.
  • Battle of Fort Donelson

    Battle of Fort Donelson
    Ulysses S. Grant captures Fort Donelson in Tennessee, inflicting over 15000 casualties.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    Ulysses S. Grant wins a Pyrrhic victory at Shiloh Church in Tennessee, both sides realize that using cover is a good idea.
  • Capture of New Orleans

    Capture of New Orleans
    Union Admiral David Farragut lands troops in New Orleans, capturing the city.
  • Battle of Seven Pines

    Battle of Seven Pines
    Union General George McClellan's advance to Richmond is halted in stalemate battle only six miles from the city.
  • Battle of Memphis

    Battle of Memphis
    A Union naval victory expanding the Union controlled portion of the Mississippi River, only on Union sailor was killed.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Second Battle of Bull Run
    Robert E. Lee attacks and defeats an unprepared Union army outside Washington, DC.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    George McClellan defeats Robert E. Lee, but allows Lee to escape; both sides take extreme casualties, making it the most tragic day in American history.
  • George McClellan is Fired

    George McClellan is Fired
    Lincoln fires General George McClellan for not advancing and being overly cautious. He had "The Slows".
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    Battle of Fredericksburg
    McClellan's replacement, Ambrose Burnside, is defeated by Robert E. Lee en route to Richmond.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    President Lincoln declares that all slaves in the South are now free, re-framing the purpose of the war and allowing Blacks to enlist in the military.
  • Battle of Arkansas Post

    Battle of Arkansas Post
    Union General William Sherman captures Fort Hindman in Arkansas, even though Grant thought it was a bad idea.
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    General Grant surrounds the city of Vicksburg, the last Confederate city on the Mississippi River.
  • Siege of Port Hudson

    Siege of Port Hudson
    Union General Nathaniel Banks surrounds Port Hudson, the last Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    Union General George Meade repels Lee's incursion into Pennsylvania, it is considered the turning point of the war.
  • Siege of Vicksburg Ends

    Siege of Vicksburg Ends
    Vicksburg surrenders to General Grant, giving the Union almost total control over the Mississippi River.
  • Siege of Port Hudson Ends

    Siege of Port Hudson Ends
    Port Hudson surrenders to General Banks, granting the Union complete control over the Mississippi
  • Battle of Chickamauga

    Battle of Chickamauga
    This is the first battle fought in Georgia, many more are to come.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    Lincoln delivers a speech at Gettysburg National Cemetery to honor the fallen soldiers.
  • Second Battle of Chattanooga

    Second Battle of Chattanooga
    The threat of a two-pronged Union assault forced most of the remaining Confederate forces in Tennessee to leave.
  • Battle of the Wilderness

    Battle of the Wilderness
    Grant is promoted to be the head of the Union army, and he begins to advance toward Richmond.
  • Battle of Resaca

    Battle of Resaca
    Union General William Sherman chased down the Confederate forces fleeing Tennessee, the battle was inconclusive.
  • Lincoln's Second Campaign

    Lincoln's Second Campaign
    Lincoln easily wins the nomination for the newly created National Union party.
  • Battle of Kennesaw Mountain

    Battle of Kennesaw Mountain
    The Confederates from Tennessee defeated Sherman, but were still weak and unable to gain any ground.
  • Siege of Atlanta

    Siege of Atlanta
    William Sherman arrives at Atlanta but fails to capture it, so he besieges the city.
  • George McClellan's Nomination

    George McClellan's Nomination
    Former General George McClellan is nominated as the Candidate for the Democratic Party.
  • Siege of Atlanta Ends

    Siege of Atlanta Ends
    After over a month, Atlanta finally submits to Sherman.
  • Lincoln's Second Election

    Lincoln's Second Election
    Lincoln defeats George McClellan because Union soldiers are allowed to vote with mail-in ballots.
  • Sherman's March to the Sea

    Sherman's March to the Sea
    Sherman leaves his supply line to chase down Confederate General Johnston, burning down everything in his way.
  • Battle of Savannah

    Battle of Savannah
    Sherman's March to the Sea ends upon the capture of Savannah, when Sherman reaches the sea.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    The 13th Amendment, freeing all slaves, is passed by Congress in January 1865.
  • Lincoln's Second Inauguration

    Lincoln's Second Inauguration
    Lincoln continues to be the President.
  • Siege of Petersburg

    Siege of Petersburg
    After many months, Grant defeats Lee at Petersburg, near Richmond.
  • Capture of Richmond

    Capture of Richmond
    Grant marches into Richmond, finally capturing the Confederate capital.
  • Surrender at Appomattox

    Surrender at Appomattox
    Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox Court House, effectively ending the war.
  • Lincoln's Assassination

    Lincoln's Assassination
    Lincoln is shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theatre, he dies the next day.
  • Andrew Johnson's Inauguration

    Andrew Johnson's Inauguration
    Vice President Andrew Johnson, who is a white supremacist, takes the oath of office to become President.
  • End of the War

    End of the War
    The last battle of the war was fought in Palmito Ranch, Texas.
  • Veto Override

    Veto Override
    Congress overrides a presidential veto for the first time to establish the Freedmen's Bureau to aid freed slaves.
  • 13th Amendment Ratification

    13th Amendment Ratification
    The 13th Amendment is ratified in December 1865.
  • First Ambulance

    First Ambulance
    The first ambulance, based on those used at Antietam, goes into service.
  • Ex parte Milligan

    Ex parte Milligan
    The Supreme Court decides that it is unconstitutional to try civilians in military tribunals.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The Civil Rights Act of 1866 is passed, overriding another veto from Andrew Johnson.
  • ASPCA Founded

    ASPCA Founded
    The ASPCA was founded in New York City in April 1866.
  • Judicial Circuits Act

    Judicial Circuits Act
    The number of Supreme Court Justices are reduced from 16 to 9.
  • Rejoining of Tennessee

    Rejoining of Tennessee
    Tennessee becomes the first state to rejoin the Union in July 1866.
  • Grant's Promotion

    Grant's Promotion
    Ulysses S. Grant becomes the first five-star general in American history.
  • Civil War Officially Ends

    Civil War Officially Ends
    Andrew Johnson declares the American Civil War to be over in August 1866.
  • Gatling Gun Adoption

    Gatling Gun Adoption
    The first rapid-fire gun, the Gatling Gun, is adopted by the United States military in August 1866.
  • House of Representitives

    House of Representitives
    The Republican Party wins a large majority in the House of Representatives, ensuring that Reconstruction can continue.
  • Equal Voting Rights

    Equal Voting Rights
    African American men are granted the right to vote in Washington, DC.
  • West Virginia University Established

    West Virginia University Established
    West Virginia University is established in Morgantown, WV in February 1867.
  • Nebraska Becomes a State

    Nebraska Becomes a State
    Andrew Johnson grants statehood to Nebraska in March 1867.
  • Tenure of Office Act

    Tenure of Office Act
    Congress passed a law reducing the power of the President to fire government officials.
  • Reconstruction Acts

    Reconstruction Acts
    Congress passes regulations for how the Confederate states will rejoin the Union.
  • Alaska Purchase

    Alaska Purchase
    Russia sells their colony is Alaska to the United States to raise money for their military.
  • Kidder Massacre

    Kidder Massacre
    American Indian warriors from the Sioux and Cheyenne tribes kill 11 American soldiers in Kansas.
  • Midway Occupation

    Midway Occupation
    The United States takes control of Midway Atoll in the middle of the Pacific, at the end of the Hawaiian island chain.
  • Alaska Cession

    Alaska Cession
    Russia cedes Alaska to the United States in exchange for 7.2 million dollars.
  • Medicine Lodge Treaty

    Medicine Lodge Treaty
    The United States established a number of American Indian reservations in Kansas.