Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States
Abraham Lincoln, the first republican President in U.S. history, was elected. He vowed to end slavery and fix the wounds between the North and the South. Also, because of the many divisions in the democratic party, Lincoln, the only republican candidate, won the elction. -
South Carolina seceeded from the Union
South Carolina was the first state to seceeded from the United States. They felt that the southern, slave-holding states, had no representation in Congress and felt the need to form the Confederate States of the United States. Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana ,and Texas follow two months later. -
Confederate States of America is formed
The Confederate States of America is formed with Jefforson Davis being its president. It consisted of 11 states who believed that slavery was legal. -
Lincoln is sworn into offfice
Abraham Lincoln is sworn into office starting the bloodiest conflict in American history. -
President Lincoln issues a blockade of Southern portrs
President Lincoln issues a proclomation to block all Southern ports. This will prevent the rural South from receiving supplies from the industralized North and other countries. -
Fort Sumter is attacked
On this day, Confederate forces attack Fort Sumter, a Union fort in South Carolina. Southern forces were bombing and shelling the fort for 36 hours until the Union troops surrendered. -
Battle of Bull Run
On this day, the Battle of Bull Run was fought near Manassas, Virginia. This was a Confederate victory and proved the both the Union and Confederate forces needed additional training. -
Robert E. Lee is appointed commander of Confederate forces
Robert E. Lee beoomes commander ofthe onfederate forces and renames his army the army of Northern Virginia. -
Battle of Antietam
The Battle of Antietam was the bloodiest war in American history. It resulted in the casualties of 26,000 men. -
Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclomation
This proclomation freed all slaves in the territories of the Confederate states and also allowed the enlisting of black men into the army. -
General Grant is made commander of the army of the west.
General Grant is made the commander of the army of the west. His goal is to capture Vicksburg. -
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Battle of Chancelorsville
This battle was a Confederate victory but it came ata cost. Confederate General Stonewall Jckson is shot and killed accidently by his own troops. The Confederate losses are high as well. -
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Siege of Vicksburg
The siege of Vicksburg was a six week long siege where the Union troops surrounded the city of Vicksburg. This city was the last Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River and would allow the Union to take contol of the entire Mississippi. -
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Battle of Gettysburg
This battle was a union victory in which the Confederayes tried to nvade tthe North through Pennsylvania. Their army was in need of supplies but the Union army stopped them at the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvaina. -
Atlanta is Captured
This is the day when General Sherman's army (Union) captured the southern city of Atlanta. Sherman's army had leveled Atlanta and any living thing which was there had been wiped out. -
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Sherman's March to the Sea
Sherman's March to the Sea destroyed the Southern economy, especially Georgia. He leaves behind a 300 mile long path path of destruction 60 miles wide from Atlanta. This makes the Southerners to lose their spirit to fight the war. -
U.S. Congress approves 13th amendment
The U.S. Congress approves the 13th amendment which abolishes slavery throughtout the entire nation. The amendment was then passed on to the states for ratification. -
President Lincoln is inaugurated for his second term
On this day, Abraham Lincoln is inaugurated forr a second presidential term. In his inaugural address, he states, "With malice toward none; with charity for all...let us strive on to finish the work we are in...to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations,". This means that the Southern reconstruction would be peaceful to help achieve its goal quickly. -
Richmond is captured
The capital city of the Confederacyy, Richmond, Virginia, is captured by Union forces on this day. The capture results in many robberies and looting. The surrender couldn't take place here because of the ruined condition of the city. -
General Lee surrednders his army
On this day, General Robert E. Lee surrenders the Confederate army at the hands of the Union at the town of Appomattox Court House, Virginia. Although the Union was really proud about their victory, General Grant (Union) kept the surrender terms; the Confederates could give up their weapons and peacefully return home. -
Lincoln is shot
On this day, President Lincoln is shot by Southern sympathizer John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln was at Ford's theater watching a play when Booth shot him in the head. President Lincoln died the next day. -
John Wilkes Booth is shot dead
This was the day when Lincoln assasinator was shot dead when officials found him in a tobacco barn in Virginia. The finding Booth is known as the biggest manhunt in American history. -
13th amendment is ratified
The 13th amednment, which abolished slavery, is finally ratified. From this day on, slavery is illegal throughout the entire United States but it would take another century before African Americans could get their basic rights as citizens.