Period: to
radical republicans
who: republicans from the north
what: wanted the south to change before they were readmitted to the union
why: because they wanted the south to be different -
The Anaconda Plan
What: a 4 part plan by th union to put down confederacy throughout the war, not just one battle
who: scott
where: in the union states -
Battle of Shiloh
what: union was moving into tenessee, union was pushed back, they regrouped, confederates retreated shortly after. Bloodiest battle thus far
where: Pittsburg landing, hardin county, tennessee
who: Grant (union), Johnston, Beauregard -
Battle at Fort Sumter
what: first battle of civil war
who: general beauregard, major anderson
where:charelston, SC -
First Battle of Bull Run
what: union lost after attemtiing to invade confederate capitol, first major land battle, after this battle the union realized the war wasnt going to be as easy as they thought
where: Fairfax county, prince william couty, virginia
who: McDowell (union), Beauregard, Jackson (conederacy) -
Period: to
what: stonewall jackson died of friendly fire, genrl hooker retired and was replaced by general mead
who: Lee, Jackson (confederacy), Generl Hooker (union) -
freemans bureau
who: poor people in the south
what: an organization formed to help poormpeople
why: to help slaves and other poor southerns -
Period: to
black codes
who: people in southern states
what: laws that were passed in southern states
why: to limit the new-found freedoms of african americans -
Period: to
Klu Klux Klan
who: white americans
what: a secret organization formed by white supremacists
why: they were formed by whites who wanted power over peopl of other races -
Period: to
carpet baggers
who: northerners who moved south
what: a term for northerners who moved to the south after the civil war
why: to make money in the south during reconstruction -
civil rights act
why: -
who: former slaved
what: the idea that fromer slaves should recieve some sort of compensation
why: to make up for the act of enslaving people -
14th amendment
who: people of the US
what: a law that guarenteed citizenship to anyone born or naturalized in the US
why: to give people citizenship -
15th amendment
who: all men who were US citizens
what: a law that gave them the right to vote
why: to make it so that all men, both black and white, had the right to vote -
share cropping
who: former slaves, african americans
what: land rented by former slaves from their former slve owners
why: to help newly freed slaves have land of their own, but offen at rediculous prices